Really??? A PT Cruiser diesel... hmmmmm. Maybe they'll start selling them here. We were talking about getting a hybrid again last night. My daughter says she'd love to have one; right now she drives an Altima. Mostly I loved how quiet that electric hybrid I saw sounded, it seemed as big a difference as a sailboat & a motor-boat. I worry a diesel won't be quiet.
Hello Gordy <Welcome to a2k> I've never heard of this duel-fuel idea, but it sounds good. You had a Trans-Am in the UK? That's seems so unusual.

(UK=Land of Minis and English Fords)
Years ago, I admit my dad was known on occasion to purchase fuel for his furnace oil and use it to fill his diesel station wagon. It was a lot cheaper but illegal, I think because the cost doesn't include a road tax. My mom made his stop, but the fuel was the same.
I am wallowing in the pain of $1600 worth of car work done over the last two days on those two cars and think I'll wash my car myself today, It is a new era of penny-pinching, but the wheels on the Vo look so snazzy, the rest of the car is shabby in comparison. I can't stand it.