drogue wrote:Well, thanks for being clear (indicating that what I said about the sabbath being the seventh day was in fact biblically correct). And, thankfully we agreed that Jesus is wonderful. I am also content to end this particular conversation. I see no reason for you to attempt to brand me so uncharitably as a "legalist" when what was said was biblically correct. I can only imagine what treatment I would have received had I been biblically incorrect!
In any case, shabbat shalom.
I apologize for prehaps coming across as branding you a total "legalist",
when I have no reason to know that you are. Most Christians that are
legalist about Jewish Law tend to pick what is comfortable with them. A
sort of cafeteria plan of picking a choosing what Old Testament doctrines
they are going to embrace. Usually because of the traditition and
doctrines of their church that they were raised in. The usual," You have
to jump through this hoop this way and that hoop over there another
way or you are going straingh to hell, etc."
I guess I'm just an old warhorse that has seen to many battles over that kind of thing and tend to keep my pencil a little to sharp at times. I see churches split and people hurt over such no matters. Denominations have a tendency to complicate the freedom we have in Christ with a lot of robotic observances that are just not from the heart. Rote prayer and praying to precious dead people that are not God, etc. Just doctrines that started so long ago it can't even be explained sometimes. Things that are tolally void of Bibical basis by the New or Old Testaments. Even do things
that the Bible is very clear about not doing. If it is something taken from the Bible it is most often something taken out of context from one verse or two verses somewhere. When you go past you need to do observances outside of Communion and Water Baptism things start to get on shaky ground most of the time. Jesus wanted us to keep it simple and I will follow His lead. It amazes me why some churches are more concerned
about outside richuals being proper than what is going on with us on the
inside. It is just human nature to complicate what Jesus paid such a price
to make simple.
God had to work from the outside in in the Old Testament. Even the four
Gospels actually fit better as the last four books of the Old Testament. I
wouldn't argue over it , belabor the point or even think it should be changed. It is to trivial to do so. Now starting with the book of Acts God
is able to work from the inside out, because the Holy Spirit could dwell in
us instead of being a mantle on us as God chose. Nobody could have
the agape God kind of love. Not even the disciples. Jesus made that
point when he kept asking Peter over and over if he loved Him.
I have no idea why I chose to rattle on above except to explain why I
can sometimes come on to strong. I like our church approach of letting
people hear the uncomprising Word of God and letting God do His job
of cleaning them up and moulding them in His freedom. "Now the Lord
is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."
2 Corinthian 3:17 (NAS) It is amazing to watch God blossum in people in that kind of atmosphere.
Shalom to you to my brother.