Sure. Here is a previous response of mine regarding the existence of Allah(God).
A pattern that repeats itself can only originate from intelligence.
Let us further prove the existence of God by proving that unintelligence cannot originate a repeated pattern. To do so, we first have to analyze something that is uninteligent. Let's take the body of a dead person. Now if I ask the dead person to draw me a checkerboard pattern, what will be the result? Nothing. Why? The dead person cannot learn or comprehend what it is being told. In other words, it is unintelligent. As a result of its unintelligence, it cannot create intelligence or use it to create a pattern. Let us look at a new born baby. A baby is an intelligent species. Yet if I ask a new born to draw a repeating pattern with a paint brush, what will be the result. The answer is obvious. Nothing. Here, an intelligent being cannot create a simple drawing. Why? Because as we know, the child lacks the ability to comprehend what they are being told as a new born, thus lacking intelligence and from their lack of intelligence, cannot create a repeating pattern. Thus we see from two tested subjects of unintelligence and even slight intelligence that a pattern that repeats itself cannot be created, thus proving that it can only originate from intelligent design. Therefore, the solar system, water cycle, and other natural phenomenoms within the universe that repeat had to originate from intelligent design, further proving that God is the originator of the universe.
Thus we see that when tested, as provided above, unintelligence fails to create something with intelligence or repeated patterns, thus proving that the universe and life itself originated from God, who is the intelligent designer.
Creation by Chance causes disorder
A pattern that repeats itself as well as organization can only originate from one making a decision. This is also easily proven. Again, we need a test subject. Let's use ourselves. If one wants to draw a human face in a picture, one would first have to decide on which stroke of the brush to use, decide where each feature of the face goes, it's size, dimensions, ,etc. Without doing so, it would not be possible to draw the face. A decision is made first and the drawing is based on the decision and ideas. Now if one does not use their intelligence and make a decision or choice, then that means that a person is acting by chance. So what is the result of drawing a painting using no decision, judgment, or comprehension? Complete disorder. If I throw a bucket of paint on the wall, making no choice as to where the paint aligns on the paper, what are the chances that it will draw a face? Exactly. None. Not only will there be no face, but it will be complete disorder from even looking like a face. In other words, without using intelligence disorder was created. Thus we see that unintelligence and creation by chance creates disorder, thus proving that the order of the stars, planets, and all that exist in the universe did not happen by chance or unintelligence, but intelligent design. Thus proving finally that God is the originator of all creation in the universe. Thus proving finally that God is the originator of all creation in the universe.