Fri 5 Mar, 2004 03:27 pm
My little subdivision has a very wide entrance-way and there are no lines. When turning left onto the busy road it joins, I usually stop near the center. It allows people turning right to do so without having to wait behind me. The people turning into the subdivision have plenty of room to do so.
I did this yesterday. Some guy came up behind me, then stopped just to my right in my blindspot. I knew he was behind me because I compulsively check my rear-view, and I looked over my shoulder when I realized he had 'dissappeared'. He was turning left also.
Why did he do that? If I hadn't been checking I might have had my right rear corner scrape his front left.
He obviously wasn't thinking (or believes a "lane" is as far to the right as possible). Some people are simply intimidated by a lack of lines.
I have seen the same or similar behavior many times, and no one really has an answer. In fact, one subdivision ended uppainting lines because it wasn't too uncommon for people trying to take a right turn so stop to the _left_ of vehicles waiting at the intersection already (and sometimes the individuals to the right were intending on making a left turn). Of course ... this WAS Louisiana ....
He's trying to get in on the same gap in traffic as you, rather than wait for the next one. Did he actually turn alongside you, or did he stay a little bit behind.
If you had your left blinkers going, I don't see how he could possibly feel he had the right of way. Either he's a jerk or he wasn't paying attention.
bromeliad wrote:A bit behind.
Then he was trying to sneak in so he wouldn't have to wait for another break in traffic. Not the brightest move, since he should realize he could be creating confusion for other drivers (something that always pisses me off), but calculated nonetheless. That's my guess, anywho.