The question should be, "How many traditionally (subset) nonvoting pot smokers would vote for Obama if he had the guts to enact a nationwide pot legalization program/bill?"
Here's Joss Whedon, director and screenwriter of The Avengers, take on Zomney.
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Sat 3 Nov, 2012 05:07 pm
I'll be interested to see the votes in my last area, Humboldt County.
Me, I'm older. I smoked pot a few times, never had any of my own. I don't understand being against it, never have. Also my dog SandPaw ate a lid, back in Venice - then business partner's boyfriend's lid. Boyfriend enraged. Sandpaw lived on.
There is a lot of sturm et drang in Humboldt County now,
Arcata being rented by bigger time pros. This is seriously scary.
Anyway, of course I am for Obama. Despite that I think he is out to lunch.
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Sat 3 Nov, 2012 05:11 pm
Dude!! Like don't ask me to count to more than 5.
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Tue 6 Nov, 2012 02:30 am
Yeah lets vote for Obama because he is COOL what a good idea. Lets not pay attention to him doubling the debt to 16 trillion. Even though in the long run he will NEVER legalize weed and we know this. Obama is Anti Colonial and despises the way the U.S.A. works and thinks we gained our wealth through ******* everyone that's why in his speech's he said he wanted to fundamentally transform America. If we make the same mistake twice Jesus man. He even said in a speech to the Russian leader that he cant do everything he wants to until he has a second term. WHY???? because there will be no holds bared and he can do whatever he wants because he doesn't have to worry about being reelected . Hes ******* us and using Racism as a crutch just so that you can say I'M NOT RACIST I VOTED FOR OBAMA and anyone that doesn't agree with him and his green views is obviously racist too right the people that are suffering right now and don't have a job and are barely getting by? whatever keep living in a dream land.
Man, you need to chill out. By they way, have you seen your girl friend's cat? I think it's gone missing. Boy, is she gonna be pissed at you. You better find it man. I mean really! She is gonna be so pissed if you don't have her cat when she gets back. Where's the cat man? Where is it?
(That should keep him occupied for the next few hours until he figures out he wasn't supposed to watch his girlfriend's cat and he doesn't even have a girlfriend.)
Hey don't be ignorant it's a duck billed platypus and yes sir i still haven't found it. Nah I realized two seconds after posting it i shouldn't have you can never change anyone's mind on politics anyways I tried to delete it and it just came up with an error lol. Yeah I get too frustrated sometimes sorry everyone hahaha.
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Tue 6 Nov, 2012 10:11 pm
jcboy wrote:
I voted for Obama because he's black and not because he smoked pot.
No, you voted for Obama because you need more food stamps and you enjoy being out of work and living off of others.