Tue 23 Oct, 2012 09:21 am
This is an ad on Kijiji, but I've seen way worse, some from companies looking to hire which are just full of typos or spelling errors. Sorry, but IMO, you look really ignorant when you put an ad out without punctuation and with terrible grammar or spelling. Get someone to proof-read it if you don't know what you're doing. I've seen this in newspapers, too, and I find it appalling.
I also hate it when ads include this: "Please send resume and
wage expectations". Why don't you just tell me what you intend to pay and I can decide if it's acceptable? Is this their way of weeding out expensive people? Oh, we'll just look for someone willing to work for the least amount possible? I never respond to those anymore. The wages really depend on the work, IMO. A receptionist is never going to make what a Senior Executive Assistant is, but some people ask for the moon. They want a Senior Exec Asst to perform a zillion tasks, have advanced knowledge/experience in several software programs, and be ready to work overtime at a moment's notice, but they only want to pay you $12 an hour. Bah.
Quote: I've seen this in newspapers, too, and I find it appalling.
You have a problem with breaded dragon? When property prepeared it cans be quiet tastey.
It seems to me Hunter is just looking to become a dining experience.
Mame wrote:
I also hate it when ads include this: "Please send resume and wage expectations". Why don't you just tell me what you intend to pay and I can decide if it's acceptable? Is this their way of weeding out expensive people? Oh, we'll just look for someone willing to work for the least amount possible? I never respond to those anymore. The wages really depend on the work, IMO. A receptionist is never going to make what a Senior Executive Assistant is, but some people ask for the moon. They want a Senior Exec Asst to perform a zillion tasks, have advanced knowledge/experience in several software programs, and be ready to work overtime at a moment's notice, but they only want to pay you $12 an hour. Bah.
I always look at the salary calculator at the NYTimes website. Then I write down a number on the lowest side of the bell curve.
Yeah, but it's a complete waste of my time to do a cover letter and send my resume when they really only want to pay a paltry salary. I don't want to work for someone that doesn't value my skills and experience and I've discovered from applying to these before that they want to pay you the lowest they can get away with.
I'm at a point where any place/job that has a yearly salary (rather than hourly rate), any salaried job would be a raise in income.
Well, most of these are hourly without benefits - it's what you find on Kijiji. I'm just looking for part-time, and if I'm going to work for a paltry salary, I'd rather do it in a kitchen where it's often more fun and less stressful than in an office. I don't like guessing games (what are they willing to pay?) so I just don't bother.
The salaried jobs usually provide you with benefits and other perks after your probationary period, so I hope you find one of those. Although... you wouldn't maybe be on here as much

... and we'd miss you!
Mame wrote:
I also hate it when ads include this: "Please send resume and wage expectations".
This one used to be an old dodge in the areospace industries. They were trying to find out what the competition was paying. Sometimes, there was not even a job open.
Whew . . . i thought this thread would be about our own screw-ups. I heard a piece on the radio a while back to the effect that the older you get, the more subject to disgraphia you are. It's true, it's true! I have to be especially vigilant these days because of the typos, misspellings and just plain nonsensical text i produce. Even then, some real boners slip through.
I'm not hiring right now, though.
i blame non pc devices, it seems that the more folks use mobile devices (phones, tablets), the more this problem increases
i have to be really careful if i'm using my ipod to access a2k (i turned off auto correct), typing on a smaller virtual keyboard is definitely more conducive to mistakes than a full size model
Very true, but that doesn't explain or excuse what's printed in newspapers. Don't they have proof-readers??
I don't do a lot of texting or emails on my iPhone. Sometimes I love auto-correct and sometimes I hate it.
Tai Chi has complained about newspapers for years, she should've been a proof reader, she spots mistakes all the time
there was a topic awhile back about the brains ability to gloss over some mistakes, i find this happens to me quite a bit, i'll read what's supposed to be there not necessarily what's written
Here's another one... maybe it's just Calgary:
hi there i have Endlers for sell ...pure bread
selling them for 10 for $10 ..only selling 50 of them
Lol - endlers are a type of fish
hi i have a black colour hamster .i want to give away free if someone interested
with all assoceries
i wonder if the endlers are breaded
and could i get that with fries and a side of coleslaw
Wanted: Responcable dog lover looking for dog
hi i just reacently broke up with my bf and had to move out of my house so now i have to find a home for my vaby girl koda this is the hardest thing i will ever do i love my dog soooo much this dog is everything to me but i have no choise im looking for a home for her some were i could come see her maybe but defenitly some one who will love her very much koda is 7 months old and gas had her first 2 set of shots not fixed tet she is house trained and loves people sounds mean when people come in the yard but cery friendly she is reakly highper loves other animals and very good with kids she needs a bit of leash training but ither than that a really good dog i want a loving home for her please if thats u please email me
Girl in the park meets girl in the park and dogs play!!
plse email or phone anytime but before friday night!!!
Serously folks this dog need a home a.s.a.p.
I know there is all sorts of oppurtunity out there
for this dogs sake. pleas open your heart and consider
a retire home for will be forever greatful!!
You'd think a meal of endlers and dragon would be low-carb, but I guess that's not always the case ...