Tue 23 Oct, 2012 08:58 am
How come all you queer heretics can't get close to god? It's cause you're scared, right? You need a higher power, but you can't admit it so you lash out at essentially loving, caring people like me. If you jokers would just stock sucing dicks and cornholling one another and get right with the big guy in the sky, you'd be happier, and i'd be able to get a good night's sleep.
I can't get close to g
d because I live in the modern day Sodom that is NYC.
Hey, don't be dissin' NYC!! That is one great city.
Quote:loving, caring people like me
Set I trust you were being facetious here
Well, at least they ain't no gay boys here yet . . . oh, well . . . there is Dale, i was never sure about him. Anyway, he's probably a heretic . . .
Quote:. . . there is Dale, i was never sure about him.
Set, what have I said to convey that impression
Quote:Anyway, he's probably a heretic . . .
Apodictical existential panthiest
dalehileman wrote:... panthiest
I think "homosexual" is the preferred term, these days.
Hehehehehehehehehe . . . i knew that boy was gay . . .
Mame wrote:
Hey, don't be dissin' NYC!! That is one great city.
I loves where I live and if god can't get any closer to the NYC city townline because we have a collective restraining order against her then so be it.
Are you sure you're not under the effects two parts vodka, one part lime?
Warm milk and cookies is the answer to a good nights sleep. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.
Speaking of nine inches.
It’s the ear canal you have to worry about. You don’t want anything shooting in there. Happened to me once. I thought I was going deaf. Couldn’t hear God if I tried.
Again Set, seriously, what have I said
I can just see explaining that to the nurse at the Emergency Room (then again, they've likely heard/seen everything else).
Dalehileman wrote:Apodictical existential panthiest
You said that 31 times in this forum.
my favorite is the guy with an incandescent bulb up his rectum.
how many nurses does it take to unscrew a light bulb?
Quote:You said that 31 times
Tim I'm flattered by your attention to my postings
…as an apodictical existential pantheist of course
Love New York City. Went here when we were there and sang with the managers. Incidentally, I'm a Scorpio.