God is the force that holds everything together, hence his omnipresence. He is in all things including plants, trees, animals, the earth, the universe and including on this very page. Think about it, every character is subservient to every other character in a word, every word is subservient to every other word in a sentence and every sentence is subservient to every other sentence in the page. Thus, every part plays its specific role for the good of the whole. This same principle is seen in all of nature. Although we can never be quite like him, Jesus himself said that the only way to get to our father is through him (which is righteousness/selflessness). Thus, to be closer to God, one has to use the instincts of selflessness that god gave us (the voice of which is commonly referred to as our 'conscience') for the good of others, relinquish one's own desires for the good of others.
This however, is easier said than done as we humans have become an evil species (I say have become because we are not born that way). As of yet, we do not have an explanation as to why we commit evil acts. Thus, we can only try to live up to these ideals for now.