Doubtless Che somebody will respond, we have a smart crew
The "scientific" reason light travels at a certain specific speed is that c fits into all the formulas; that is, it's the value it is because no other value will work. Extending the principle, it seems increasingly evidence from recent thinking that everything is the way it is because--notwithstanding my own weird theory-- it can't be any other way; everything depends on everything else, the speed of light is what it is to make everything else ok and that everything from the Big Bang onward is the natural product of evolution
Quite OT to this thread however, the mechanism whereby the humanoid turns out to play such an evidently important part is still a complete mystery; why everything seems to have been "adjusted" to permit the evolution of life, with us being the most complex objects in the entire panoply
Getting back to the speed of light however, "science" leaves Intuition unfulfilled. In terms the Average Clod (me) should comprehend, how else can we explain crazy relativistic phenomena like the moving object gaining mass and the limitation of c; it's still as mysterious as to why there should have to be life