i heard that the sodom and gomorrah thing was caused by an earthquake that caused the ground to liquify and the cities to plunge into the dead sea
apparently they were both asphalt mining towns by the sea and this is why they were so prosperous.....
as for gods intervention if god did make this earthquake i think he did it not because the people were sodomites

or gay but because they were bad people in general plus what the bible says is the jews intepretation of what god did and what god wanted
thats what i got anyway when i read genesis wasnt about being gay or anything was it? maybe i missed that part
from reading the torah it all seems pretty scary to me stories of these guys going round killing everyone in the name of god and all this how to sacrifice animals sounds a bit dodgy to me
im into christianity for the peace and love aspect and for me that covers all things straight gay animal vegetable and mineral
and i wouldnt take it alll so literally
really the universe is like 14billion years old
man has been around for a long time too well i hear at least 20,000 years and we got religions dating back 10,000 years im sure god didnt one day decide to write one book to be the be all and end all
i say we can all quote scripture for our own purpose
they said that of the devil
but for me all this argueing over words is madness
anyway i see all religions as part of a greater whole
i think all religions were brought about by spiritual men inspired by god and then perverted by other men who were not so spiritual
i say if you read the bible and it makes you feel love inside and you can share that with others so they feel love and togetherness too then its a good thing but if you use the bible to exclude people then this is a bad thing
come on dudes its obvious from reading it that the torah was wrote by a bunch of jewish priests back in the past
it was the best they could do given the times back then
and the new testament is a story about one mans attempt to get people to be nice to one another
son of god or not jesus never said set up a religion in my name so we can bash heads with it
he just said be love
love god n love thy neighbour etc
as for the bible quotes like all gays are abominations who should be put to death i say this is definately wrote by an ancient jew who couldnt understand gay people
peace and love most of all peace and love
the kingdom of heaven is within you not in a book
a book is a guide no more no less
black and white words are not alive
only we are alive in the moment
so there that my thoughts
peace and love y'all