Can someone address this PLEASE?

Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 08:31 am
Craven I write curriculum and TEACH this stuff. Now I could post the many many hundreds of pages of research I've done on it, but you really don't wish for me to do that. I am getting some manuscripts ready for publication, however, and will let you know when they are ready. Smile
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Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 08:43 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Craven I write curriculum and TEACH this stuff.

This only proves that just about anyone can "teach" this stuff.

And since you do, it should be no problem for you to substantiate your claims then.

Now I could post the many many hundreds of pages of research I've done on it, but you really don't wish for me to do that.

By all means post what you have, if it's an attempt to fillibuster with a ream of text you'll be called on it. If it attempts to substantiate your claims then I can examine the arguments and reply.

Where is your substantiation? Thus far just bluster, claims that substantiation is coming, appeals to one's own authority Laughing and even a promise of eventual publication. That's nice and all, but I'll again ask: where is the substantiation? Not excuses for why you don't have it.


I am getting some manuscripts ready for publication, however, and will let you know when they are ready. Smile

No thanks, just try to substantiate what you claimed. Everyone and their cousin is about to get published and I wasn't offering to play victim for any manuscript.

Again, just the substantiation ma'am, I can do without the excuses and promises about how substantial the substantiation is ("verily it is a tome"), bring it here and we can have a look. Otherwise it's just a claim you can't substantiate and for which you will only make excuses for.
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 09:01 am
Fine. You don't wish to read my very good research when it's ready--no links to post yet but someday there will be I think--and you prefer to go with your proof texting and your own unsubstantiated interpretation of the selected passages as evidence for your preferred point of view. Who am I to argue with that? Smile
0 Replies
Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 09:14 am
You aren't "arguing with that", just giving excuses for why you are unable to do so. <shrugs>

I substantiated my claims, but in your "I know you are but what am I" argument you just reverse the call to substantiation, all the while steadfastly refusing to give your own and offering only excuses in place of substantiation.

It's hard to take someone's positions seriously when they are founded on excuses for not being able to defend them.
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 09:15 am
Okay I'll bite. How did you substantiate your claim that your interpretation of the Bible passages you posted is accurate?
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Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 09:18 am
What interpretation Fox? I posted the text itself and sometimes with the original source.

I offered little in way of "interpretation" as the homophobia is apparent on the face of the texts themselves.

If you have specific "interpretation" to challenge then do so, and we can discuss it.

So what "interpretation" do you challenge? Or is this just a vague broadswipe, hoping something will stick?
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 09:32 am
But Craven, this whole discussion started when you said my interpretation was false and then said:

The Bible condemns simple homosexuality more times than "social perversions that would be perversions whether done by straight or gay",

You then posted as 'proof' a number of Bible verses plucked from the text. At 'face value' your observation is correct, but your interpretation is flawed. And you posted nothing to support your interpretation.

The fact is, neither of us can 'prove' our opinion on this subject. Someday I hope to be viewed as an authority on it by virtue of a published work, but even then it will be my informed opinion of the intent of people who wrote thousands of years ago.

I will concede that the ancient Jew probably did consider homosexuality as a perversion mostly because it was unthinkable that a Jew would be homosexual. That mindset for most people has prevailed through most of human history until gays started coming out of the closet in the last half of the 20th Century and society began rethinking the whole issue.

My opinion, however, is that only fundamentalist Christians who believe the Bible is literally true as understood in 21st century language will use the Bible passages (and others) you posted to make a case against homosexuality. Most serious Bible historians know better.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 09:59 am
Foxfyre wrote:
At 'face value' your observation is correct, but your interpretation is flawed.

How so? Or is this just something you like to say but again can't provide any substantiation for?

And you posted nothing to support your interpretation.

False, I posted passages that illustrate what I had claimed.

The fact is, neither of us can 'prove' our opinion on this subject.

Speak for yourself Foxfyre. ;-)

Someday I hope to be viewed as an authority on it by virtue of a published work, but even then it will be my informed opinion of the intent of people who wrote thousands of years ago.

My suggestion to you is to try to substantiate your position, otherwise you probably won't "be viewed as an authority on it".


I will concede that the ancient Jew probably did consider homosexuality as a perversion mostly because it was unthinkable that a Jew would be homosexual. That mindset for most people has prevailed through most of human history until gays started coming out of the closet in the last half of the 20th Century and society began rethinking the whole issue.

My opinion, however, is that only fundamentalist Christians who believe the Bible is literally true as understood in 21st century language will use the Bible passages (and others) you posted to make a case against homosexuality. Most serious Bible historians know better.

Well Foxfyre, this is a horse of a different colour. Even most fundamentalist Christians do not go out and kill Gays, so it's very much true that they do not take the Bible literally.

Thing is, one can dismiss the passages as being a product of a more primitive time or one can try to rationalize and explain it.

Which is it for you? If your position is that most Christians know better these days I agree. Heck most Christians are probably disgusted by the "God hates fags" ilk of Christian.

If, however, your position is that the words actually mean something else and that the Bible does not contain clear homophobia and calls for gay bashing (with rocks till they die) then I disagree, and the scriptures bear this out.
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 10:06 am
Stoning was a popular form of capital punishment for many offenses as recounted in the Old and New Testament. I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I do not accept your proof texting as substantiation of your view, and you won't accept my assertion of my personal expertise on the subject. So we're pretty well stymied on this one.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 10:12 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Stoning was a popular form of capital punishment for many offenses as recounted in the Old and New Testament.

Including homosexuality.

I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

On what? Really Foxfyre, you do not even name what this nebulous disagreement is.

I do not accept your proof texting as substantiation of your view, and you won't accept my assertion of my personal expertise on the subject. So we're pretty well stymied on this one.

Again, Foxfyre, speak for yourself. I can substantiate my claims, while you in turn merely make excuses for being unable to do so.

When I call you on the lack of substantiation you claim my "interpretation" lacks substantiation too.

When I invite you to point out where you can't do so.

So perhaps you are stymied, but don't speak for me in this regard. Don't fault me for your lacking substantiation.
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 10:35 am
Craven writes:
Again, Foxfyre, speak for yourself. I can substantiate my claims, while you in turn merely make excuses for being unable to do so.

But I don't think you have substantiated your claims. You have pulled passages from the Bible with assertion that they mean what they say to us reading with 21st Century experience. I tell you that you can't read them that way and obtain an accurate interpretation. That's what the disagreement is and I again say we are stymied on that pont.
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 10:46 am
Foxfyre wrote:
She is not the least bit homophobic or anti-gay. There

I don't know about that, Fox. From snopes.com: "Thanks to her oft-aired opinion that homosexuals are a 'mistake of nature,'..."
This has come from her quite a bit. And we don't know if it is an urban legend or not. check the full article:


Anyway, please don't let me interrupt the discussion. Please continue, I'm diggin' it...
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Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 11:18 am
Foxfyre wrote:

But I don't think you have substantiated your claims.

Yet you can't point out which claim you wish substantiation for?

Seriously Foxfyre, if you point out a claim of mine that needs substantiation I will substantiate it, but you just make vague references and I don't think you really have anything specific in mind.

You have pulled passages from the Bible with assertion that they mean what they say to us reading with 21st Century experience. I tell you that you can't read them that way and obtain an accurate interpretation.

Show me the inaccuracy in interpretation and we can discuss it. You just make claims that this inaccuracy is there, but can't even make up your mind about what the inaccuracy consists of.

That's what the disagreement is and I again say we are stymied on that pont.

No, you are stymied in that you are unable to identify anything you can make your "inaccurate interpretation" claim stick to.

If you pick anything you'll be unable to substantiate it and you avoid doing so.

So we get your excuses of why you cant do so.


If you assert inaccuracy, point it out and illustrate it.

As it stands, I'm inclined to believe you have nothing, so I call your bluff, again.
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 11:21 am
Just, "Mistake of nature" is Snopes' phrase, not Dr. Laura's.

What Dr. Laura has said is that in her view homosexuality is a deviance from the norm in much the same way that many other human traits are a deviance from the norm. (You might say that is the same thing as a 'mistake of nature' but I don't recall her ever using that term.)

She holds the opinion that homosexualty is deviance because there is no known gene pool for it. She further holds a strong opinion that gays do not choose to be gay and any bashing of gays because they are gay is evil.

Where she has run afoul of the flamers and militant gay rights activists is that she says that a deviance from nature suggests the possibility of a 'correction' for those who want it, and to object to those who are looking for a 'cure' is as misguided as those who think gays are bad. The activists condemn her for this because they want the verdict to be that homosexuality is normal and natural and to suggest a cure suggests that they may not be the way they were intended to be.
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 01:55 pm
Maybe get one of those bibles where everything Jesus says is written in red and just read those parts. Throw the rest away.
It would be pretty much near heaven on earth.

Thomas Jefferson actually did something like that...

Excellent editing job. Separated the wheat from the chaff--- bigtime.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 02:07 pm
Well I think that would be better than plucking text out of context, often even out of chronological context, as proof of what the Bible says. But even taking Jesus' words all by themselves, you still have to have a sense of the history and culture of the time to have a better idea of his intent and meaning.
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 04:08 pm
Craven de Kere wrote:
I figured nailing down that definition would come up. lol

I took it to mean some notorious prevarication among Christians who do not wish to kill gays but instead of disavowing the passages seek to find alternative interpretations.

See, killing gays is too obviously extreme even for most Christians, but instead of acknowledging the error of these scriptures they seek to redefine them through linguistic gymnastics.

For example, when the Bible condemns homosexual sex, they look for ways it can be interpreted as not being general homosexual sex but specific taboos.

So when it forbids lying with a man as with a woman they rationalize it as forbidding homosexual sex in a woman's bed for example, which is clearly just a matter of good manners (failure to exhibit said manners means death of course).

Sometimes when the Bible condemns homosexual sex they rationalize it as, say, condemning "pagan" sex.

Thing is, there are a bunch of passages where such ambiguity is possible.

For example, the frequent claim that Jesus never condemned homosexuality can be challenged because he did in fact condemn certain multiple-meaning words.

I don't include them because it's possible that he meant one of the other non-homosexual meanings.

But Foxfyre bought into the rationalization too far, and not all the homophobia in the Bible can be explained away with her defense.

I've read the texts and the context and all that she stipulates to avoid being "invariably lead to wrong conclusions about the intention of the content" and I don't think she has, because she's making demonstratably false claims.

Some of the passages are infamously rationalized as not being against homosexuality per se but rather social taboos of the time that happened to include homosexuality.

So for example, taking the "pagan" explanation, the proscription was of the "pagan" practice and not of homosexuality.

Riiiight, but that doesn't explain the other passages.

Oh, but those will have explanations too. Instead of condemning homosexuality the Bible is condemning homosexuality in a woman's bed.


The prevarication is supported with intellectually vacuous attempts to find linguistic loopholes.

You would not believe the linguistic gymnastics that some go to to try to explain away the Bible's intolerance, and ultimately even if we accept their revisionism, they are still left with very clear Biblical gay bashing that they can't explain.

But hey, at least they get props for not wanting to kill gay people, and I prefer that they try to rationalize their acknowledgement that it would be wrong with the scriptures they cling to instead of goin' out and killing gays or somesuch.

I have to give them credit there, even if the Bible says gays should be killed most Christians are civilized enough to not actually go out and attempt to kill gays, this is very considerate of them.

It's still lamentable that they seek to rationalize the primitive scriptures, when the primitive nature of such exhortations should serve as an indication of the mentality whose product they subscribe to.

Heck, you'd think they'd just be better of saying that they disagree with the call to kill gays and such.

Makes more sense and is so 20th century.

Thankee! Sort of like my friend's Catholic nun sister who hunts down sophisticated meanings for "not consummated" (like in the heart and such) to allow Catholics to get divorced??? (Which is a GOOD thing, of course - like not killing gays...)

Is that what you meant Fox?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 04:15 pm
Fox - I always wonder how non-fundy scholars such as yourself claim to know which is baby and which bathwater?

How to sift what your god REALLY meant from what he only meant for that lot over there right then?

What criteria do you use for such sifting?
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Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 04:44 pm
Four years of semininary level Bible training plus several more years being tutored by some of the best scholars out there and a lot of independent study has all helped. Some people (not me) have devoted their entire professional careers to sorting out the historical and archeological evidence, studying the syntax and references contained in the Bible and putting events and documents into more or less chronological order. Genesis, for instance, appears first in the Christian version of the Old Testament, but it is now believed (by some) to be among the most recent of the Old Testament documents written. The Qumran scrolls and other 20th century findings have added volumes to the general store of knowledge.

My hoped for contribution is to sift the meat out of all this stuff and put it into a form that is a little more easily consumed and digested than it was in the form I've gotten it. Sort of a "Christian History for Dummies" kind of thing. There is a lot of interest and I'm living proof that lay people are capable of learning it right along with the clergy.

The whole key to sound Bible scholarship is to do your best to read the scriptures through the eyes of those who wrote them instead of attaching your own modern interpretations to the mix.

Even some Catholic scholars are slowly coming around to understanding the Bible differently, but the RCC is a two-thousand year old dinosaur that still learns new tricks but does so very slowly.

I also think that a good understanding of Bible content will do much to change some Christian's erroneous (in my opinion) ideas about some things and might also cool some of the anti-Christian prejudice that is always simmering out there.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 04:55 pm
Yes - but what are the CRITERIA for sifting baby from bathwater?
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