Foxfyre wrote:At 'face value' your observation is correct, but your interpretation is flawed.
How so? Or is this just something you like to say but again can't provide any substantiation for?
Quote:And you posted nothing to support your interpretation.
False, I posted passages that illustrate what I had claimed.
Quote:The fact is, neither of us can 'prove' our opinion on this subject.
Speak for yourself Foxfyre. ;-)
Quote:Someday I hope to be viewed as an authority on it by virtue of a published work, but even then it will be my informed opinion of the intent of people who wrote thousands of years ago.
My suggestion to you is to try to substantiate your position, otherwise you probably won't "be viewed as an authority on it".
I will concede that the ancient Jew probably did consider homosexuality as a perversion mostly because it was unthinkable that a Jew would be homosexual. That mindset for most people has prevailed through most of human history until gays started coming out of the closet in the last half of the 20th Century and society began rethinking the whole issue.
My opinion, however, is that only fundamentalist Christians who believe the Bible is literally true as understood in 21st century language will use the Bible passages (and others) you posted to make a case against homosexuality. Most serious Bible historians know better.
Well Foxfyre, this is a horse of a different colour. Even most fundamentalist Christians do not go out and kill Gays, so it's very much true that they do not take the Bible literally.
Thing is, one can dismiss the passages as being a product of a more primitive time or one can try to rationalize and explain it.
Which is it for you? If your position is that most Christians know better these days I agree. Heck most Christians are probably disgusted by the "God hates fags" ilk of Christian.
If, however, your position is that the words actually mean something else and that the Bible does not contain clear homophobia and calls for gay bashing (with rocks till they die) then I disagree, and the scriptures bear this out.