Mon 8 Oct, 2012 06:36 am
Hello. I am a 31 (almost 32) year-old man. Perhaps there are a few people out there who have Parkinson's disease and may be able to shed a light on this. For just over two years, I have been displaying a rather progressive set of symptoms that, to my internet knowledge, may be indicative of YOPD. Two summers ago I started whining off and on about feeling "stiff" and "rigid". I felt an internal tremor and was told by a gal who was kind enough to massage me one night that I was "very tense". By December of that same year (2010) I started noticing jerkiness in my arm movements, what I've come to understand as "cogwheeling".
So, fast forward a bit to the latter part of 2011. Rigidity and "cogwheeling" progressed to trunk and ankles and legs and by very early 2012 to my neck. I actually had to cease visits to the local salon for haircuts due to the jerkiness of my neck upon looking down, or simply because I have become self-conscious and social situations tend to bring about tremor and jerkiness when I become nervous.
By spring of this year (2012) I've noticed a noticeable tremor in my right hand and arm which, at times, feels as though it's affecting my right leg as well. It is intermittent. I've always been a "shaky" person and chalked it up to many things, but it's obviously more pronounced on my right side and happens when my arm is hanging by my side or held up in a supported position. I've noticed lack of right arm swing and have also took note of a decrease in facial expression and blinking. ANY insight would be appreciated. Thank you.
If you want help or opinions, you must understand that we on A2K are not medical experts. For starters, though, why not post what the medical experts have told you already?
I know you are not a medical expert. I need a neurologist for that. ;-). I have not been to a medical expert yet either, if I had, I doubt I'd be posting here.
Hello Friends,
Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder of the central nervous system that can have devastating effects upon both the patient and their family members. The main features of Parkinson’s disease are slowness of movements, difficulty maintaining balance, muscle rigidity, and tremor. The disease is thought to be caused by low levels of a chemical called dopamine, which activates cells in our brains that let us move. While there is currently no cure for Parkinson's disease, there are a variety of treatments available that can help to improve symptoms.
Thanks and Regards,
Milon Jones