About ten years ago I found some stones that had tissue structure instead of crystal or mineral structure. I soaked some in hydrochloric acid, which left the organic proteins intact. Took a lot of Biology and art, which anatomy is a very big part. To make a long story shorter, I have discovered body parts, organs and meat from what-ever the meat-eaters were eating, reptiles, amphibians and other dinosaurs. Since then the story gets much stranger. More recently, I've found large hunks of what was meat and the butchered remains that were left unfinished. The hyde and meat were cut from the carcass by the claws and the meat was sectioned into roasts and steaks. This scene has been observed in different locations and appear to be identical. The most unbelievable part of this discovery; Most all 3-d formed rocks and stones are mineralized soft-tissue. The predators were also hard-wired in their feeding habits and took them with them as the continents drifted apart. Goggle The Secret Life of Rocks and check-out my U Tube channel. Many rocks and stones thought to be the product of ancient cultures have claw and teeth marks, which look intelligent but these rocks were to hard to shape. All these preserved tissues were deposited in the marsh or lagoon after floating down the stream or river where the animal was butchered. A famous geologist from the 18th century found delicate seashells buried with rounded rocks{ thought to be smoothed and shaped by the turbulent surf} couldn't explain how the shells weren't broken, except by a higher sea level which was debunked by his peers. Lavoisier was the geologist and contributed some valuable information that was acceptable, but of coarse like mankind didn't realize what the rocks were at the time of burial.