getting used to the extended daylight that jiggering with the clocks has caused us each spring.
Its great being outside in the lengthening days
The big bumblebee which had found its way into my bedroom via an open window this morning. I tried to shoo it out without getting too close to the miniature monster. No luck. Finally, having to leave, I decided to just leave the window wide open for the day. Wonder if the bug[ger] will still be there later when I get back home?
@Lustig Andrei,
yes ans she will have moved all her relatives inside your room as they all begin to excavate your woodtrim to build a community apartment complex.
I found an indoor swimming pool within a couple miles of our house and began going there a few weeks ago. It has been four long years since I was last able to swim in California and it felt wonderful. I loved it so much that I stayed there for 4 hours the first time. Got so worn out I could barely get myself out of the pool and it took a couple days to recover from sore muscles. Been back several times since for 3 hours each.
I'm very out of shape and it will take awhile before I am strong enough to swim laps in the Olympic-sized pool, but in the meantime, in the shallow end, I am doing lots of water aerobics and walking laps. It feels like being able to finally fly again after being grounded for way too long.
Lost 8 pounds last month just from getting to swim again.
@Lustig Andrei,
"Little bugger with a big sting, heh?" My wife is allergic to bee stings, so when they're around the house, I have to "kill it" with spray.
@cicerone imposter,
Starting a garden and being its loving caretaker imbues a special responsibility that is kind of like rearing kids ,only in fast forward.
Is that that tennis club place? I thought I saved the link, but I guess not.
Finding garlic with bigger cloves.
Here in Abq - finding fresh garlic in the first place.
Quote:Lost 8 pounds last month just from getting to swim again
a great cup of Joe first thing in the morning....none of that K-Cup crap....
A thread I started a long time ago hit a million views today. A small and very definite pleasure attached to this.
Whoa! Which one!
Aaaaaaah.....Beautiful Animals!
Wow...that's something.
I got to pet two dogs today. A chihuahua named Parker. Mucho cute. And I rode up in my elevator with a Siberian husky--so beautiful I almost cried. I told the humans connected with the canines that they made my day. And they did.
((sigh)) I'm now jealous....

Lucky Roberta!

Huskies are awesomeness caninified!
Reviewing this thread...seeing how we find joy everywhere...in the small ordinary things...feeling no need for the big extraordinary things.