Watching the first brilliant lime green leaves emerge in spring time.
The beauty of gardens, the blossom, brilliance in colours, shapes and sizes.
Watching 8 little ducklings finally take to the water with their Mother.
Being entertained by Bigsy (the cat) who somehow manages to hide in a wooley brush tree that really has no branches of substance and stare at us.
Having a glass of wine, sitting on the deck over looking the sea, watching the children frolic in the waves.
Walking bare foot on the sand, collecting shells.
Getting a smile and a kiss of the fore-head, for no reason.
Listening to Thunder, watching lightening.
The touch of snowflakes.
Driving in spring with the roof top down
Putting on a girly floral dress and lipstick
Listening to my Husky howl, interperating the words I love you
Hearing those three words " I love you"
Doing a good deed and crossing your fingers it helped
Soaking in a bath with bubbles with a glass of wine
The smell of a wood fire
Visiting old Country Towns , seeing historic buildings
Walking around an Art Gallery
Taking my bra off and finally being free
(Why again do we have to wear them? ) Oh, that's right.
Having a fun & interesting conversation with my 14 year old going on 21
The aroma of freshly baked foods
Presenting a great meal that tastes good and looks good
Watching my cat throw the pretent mouse up in the air
Walking away from this computer and curling up with a good book
Lighting a room full of candles when it's dark
Calling your parents, knowing that you made their day