snood wrote:
I keep getting a little box that pops up on my desktop that says this. Another box also pops up saying something like "this program cannot open, because its source file cannot be found".
This started happening a couple weeks ago, after I had to open up in safe mode and run an antivirus to isolate and get rid of something that had caused my coomputer not to be able to open up to windows normally.
What it seems like is I've deleted some Dell Help Center File that came with the computer or something.
Any one know how I can get rid of this warning box that has started to come up more and more frequently?
I sometimes get: "this program cannot open, because its source file cannot be found." I then press, at the SAME TIME, Control, Alt, Delete. I might have to hold the three keys down continuosly, or press all three keys down several times. When the Task Manager box comes up, I press the new task button, AFTER I choose the provider's ".exe" procedure (executive procedure). I have no idea why this happens. I have no idea if this would work for you.