@TimeTravel ,
I have written a lot on the philosophy board s0 far and your really entertaining to me to be honest. What is wrong with being liberal? Aren't we suppose to be accepting of the new? If you mean by liberal: wanting to end the war on drugs, the war on terrorism, legalizing gay marriage to ensure that all citizens are treated equally, then yes I am liberal. And I am an atheist as well but that has nothing to do with this.
And you really are a dumbass for saying that we have used capitol punishment for about..... 100 million years. The human species hasn't even been alive for that long. Please look into society a bit more and read less of your bible.
And I really hate to continue to write about religion when I am tired, so I am just going to post what I said to someone else:
First, I would ask if God is omniscient. If he answered yes god is omniscient, then I would ask this: If god is omniscient, then would he have the power to see the end at the beginning and everything in-between? If he answered yes then I would ask another question: If god had the ability to see everything before it happened then why would he create an angel (the devil) who would go against him? If he knew that "Satan" was going to turn on him, then why would he create him in the first place? After all, it was because of the "snake" tempting Adam and Eve that resulted in original sin which damned all the nations to come. I mean, if a god really was omniscient, then was his divine plan to create a creature to go against him so he could justify the fall of man? Never helping humanity??
Or is it that he is not omniscient and didn't see the bad results until they happened?
Is it that he seen the evil to come from his creation, but lacked the ability to change it?
If he is all-powerful, then can he change his all-knowing mind? If so, then he would not be all-knowing; or, in other words, omniscient. If he lacked the power to change his mind, then he would not be omnipotent.
The problems of god are very profound and this truly is a small sect of questions concering religion and god. If you would like to raise questions, please do. "
And by the way, did I mention that you suck. If I forgot to, then here you go: You suck.
