WOW! Thanks for all the input everyone! Much appreciated.
They were done a long time ago while I was studying Goddess mythology and feminine symbolism - in this case the Celtic "Triple Goddess" Maiden, Mother and Crone.
Very interesting to hear how others "read" it. Insightful actually - things I never actually would have thought of myself.
As to the snake... The Crone (yeah, I know it's a loaded word) is supposed to represent death AND rebirth. From what I researched at the time seeds, eggs and snakes symbolised these concepts to earlier civilisations (though I always wonder - how do we know for sure?) Seeds and eggs holding the potential for new life and the snake (because it sheds it's skin) representing rebirth. Just for the record - the snake's my least favourite part - gave me absolute hell and just point blank refused to end up as I saw it in my head.
The Crone also wears a garland of poppy seed heads symbolising her visionary ability. The idea being that age brings wisdom and knowledge and hence should be respected.
- next time I'll have to display them larger! Not maggots but fish done in a fairly loose (admittedly a bit skeletal) manner. Yet again a rebirth reference to do with the "waters of life".
shepaints - I like your observation on the age gap. I think I did it that way partially from a keeness to depict a fully pregnant woman. The mother is supposed to represent fecundity, Summer, abundant harvest etc.
But thinking about it again only three seasons are represented ie. Spring (Maiden), Summer (Mother) and Winter (Crone).
panzade - love the Maiden Mother Matriarch - Think I was too young to do much more than interpret visually what I was taking in. Forums like this would have been fab at the time (1995) even just in terms of having other thinking people to bounce off.
Funny how you can look back on something and think - ugh! I should have done x,y and z differently - hmm... maybe time for a revisit on that one.
Again - thank you everyone for your input.