I'm a city kid, too. I DO know what tippin' is, but what are hogging & crickin'?
BTW, the country sounds like a dangerous place to me. Wild animals, no nearby neighbors, miles to the nearest hospital...ooh.
Eva, no nearby neighbors is great and i like animals.
hogging is the redneck way to catch catfish, tie a cinder block around your waist jump in the creek, to get air u jump with all your might and get about a 1/2 second to breathe when u catch a fish drop the block and come up
even i donno what crickin is
Crickin? I grew up in a small development, and we had a crick. I used to catch frogs all the time in that thing. Is that what crickin' is?
I once knew this guy from L.A. or some such city, and he could not believe how people around here went crickin with such abandon lol. He said that where he is from, you don't just jump in water unless you know exactly where it's coming from, and where it's going to. Crickin is like a "road trip" for country folk. Everyone piles into the back of the truck when it's really hot outside, with a cooler or what have ya, and everytime you come to a body of water... everyone jumps in to cool off!! A senseless waste of time, yes.. but ahhhh the memories.

I thought hoggin was when a group of otherwise normal men set out to land the least desirable female possible, to see who can find her.
Crickin doesn't sound that bad at all. :wink:
Bill, that's what I thought it was too. And yes, Crickin' sounds pretty awesome. As long as there's booze involved.
Another Windsor Missouri past time for ya....
(often played while intoxicated)
would be smothering a piglet in crisco and turning it loose in the barn to see who can catch it... (sometimes takes HOURS)
Well, if you get down around these parts this summer kickycan and bill, let me know and we'll do it!
soserene wrote:Another Windsor Missouri past time for ya....
(often played while intoxicated)
would be smothering a piglet in crisco and turning it loose in the barn to see who can catch it... (sometimes takes HOURS)
We do that in GA too lol.....I've went crickin' before but didn't know it had a name.
I heard that in Australia they stuff sheep, then again, lots of things are strange down under.....
Of course, round my parts we just go snipe hunting

wanta go

It would be loads of fun with a valleydicterin. Is that sumpin' like them valley girls I hear about?
ever caught 1 in your gunny sack? lol
And I thought "hoggin" was going out picking up fat chicks.
In Boston, you do not use turn signals while driving. It's a sign of weakness. And if someone is going 10mph OVER the speed limit or less, you have to tailgate them, then follow them until they pull over and beat the ever-living piss out of them.
Hey, it's just what you do.
And for some reason, Chinatown is full of fat disgusting prostitutes. Ironically, none of them are Asian.
Absolutely nobody can explain Hugh Grant syndrome - go figure. And Lance Rensle flashed little girls, why??????????
Here in West Palm, Slappy, if you see a decent looking prostitute on the street; you can be pretty sure it's a cop... Or so I'm told. :wink:
And I have been told not to trust nuns in New York - many of them have bad habits!
If your a little boy, stay away from the priests - also......
Here's a simple one. If you come to visit New York, bring lots and lots and lots and LOTS of money.