Parking in the city, other than in a garage is a mental challange all its own. If its winter-its worse.
Around here there are people who will 'take ownership' of a space on a city street by putting lawnchairs/garbage cans, etc in the space to mark it as their own. If you mess with it, or park in that space-you shouldnt be surprised to find your car vandalized, towed, or stolen--this is a given.
Most larger cities have parking restrictions. In certain areas you must have that specific areas parking permit to park in that area--open space or not.
If you drive around and look well enough you can usually find some place thats either not marked as permit needed..or the great and wonderful 'no parking' only sign--towing is bad if on a sign however--if towing isnt there you might get away with it, just a ticket which could be less than the cost of a garage spot.
Metered parking--know your meter maid and the schedule. Usually like 2 hr max in the meter. You can sometimes stretch that to 3 or even 4 hours by knowing the schedule at at which the meters are checked.
If you park in a residential neighborhood, you must ask the person you are visiting if the space on the street that is open is safe for you to park your car in. If not, they will be harrased for your parking there.
Its all about who seems to think they own what space on the public street. Fascinating.
This comes to light for me today ---why? Because I had to go get my overnight resident parking permit today. It allows me to park on the street in front of my house for more than two hours between one am and 7 am without being ticketed or towed. There are no signs regarding this anywhere in the city--just something you should know without being told.
County road....take me a place I belong