Safecraker, I'd love to hear you talk. I'm curious what a southern canadian sounds like......
DeBeers used to control most of the diamond sales in the world. They sell to a hand full of brokers across the world, maybe 10. Only 3 or 5 (can't remember) are from north america all are in NYC.
The brokers are given a set amount, with no choice on the cuts, or clarity ect., at a set price. All diamonds come precut and polished, usually done in asia, mostly india.
These brokers then sell to the middles men and so on. So you can see why they would have so much security, although I had no idea. I spent hours there one afternoon. Didn't buy anything, but I learned a whole lot.
Now there are canadian diamonds marked with a miniscule polar bear, not war or slave traded stones. Debeers has no mines here, thusly no control over our market. If a DeBeers' broker or buyer is caught selling non-DeBeers diamonds, he loses the right to ever sell them again.
Just a bit of trivia..........