Mon 23 Feb, 2004 05:57 pm
I need to replace my windows to reduce the traffic noise, I can't sleep at nights... I'm so stressed!!!
Which windows are better for noise reduction, double pane or soundproof Anyone out there know anything about windows.. Please help
Well... double pane. Good tight windows will do more than just the glass will. Glass is a pretty good conductor of both sound and heat. The airspace inbetween the two panes of glass slows both heat and noise... but not as much as you'd like.
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Another alternate, if you can sew is a window quilt.
The best batting is the wooly stuff used to stuff couches. It comes in fairly thick sheets and is normally pretty cheap. Call an upholstry place for info. Choose some material you like, enough for both sides, create a pocket and stuff with the wooly stuff. Either sew it into place or use buttons to hold it together. Hang it from a sturdy bit of dowling or pipe and Viola! Easy as pie, it'll be dark and quiet.
And... let it be close to the window, not on a rod held away from the window, and sound and cold find spaces above and below..