Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2012 07:42 pm
Early Monday, like 1 to 2 AM. NO? I need to get some sleep but I have to atch this,
Joe Nation
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 05:04 am
I wear prosthetic ears to cover my Spock Ears.

Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 06:15 am
@Joe Nation,
The little guy ought to be feeling the tugs of Martian gravity by now and the entire craft is speeding up from its initial "coasting speed" of 8K mph and will gradually accelerate to a terminal entry speed of about 17K mph.

There's so much that needs to happen flawlessly or this thing will ne a another wreck on the MArtian surface.

All that science needs to be kept safe.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 07:14 am
How long after it lands before it starts its mission? I'm assuming they will have a period of time after the landing where it will run through a bazillion diagnostics on itself, before actually getting going.

Also, how long after it lands before we get the first images?
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 07:49 am
farmerman wrote:
Early Monday, like 1 to 2 AM. NO? I need to get some sleep but I have to atch this,

If all goes well and we get immediate (at the speed of light) confirmation of the landing, that confirmation will come tonight at:

1:31 AM Eastern Time
10:31 PM Pacific Time

However, we might not get immediate confirmation. The last landing sequence signal that we will get directly from the lander will be the tone that is broadcast when the parachute deploys.

After that, our next signal direct from the lander will be the "I'm here on the ground and ready to go" tone it is set to broadcast at 8:30 PM Eastern Time (5:30 PM Pacific) tomorrow evening, 19 hours after the landing.

They have tried to position various orbiters to be able to relay data to us during the landing in real time, or in subsequent passes throughout the day, but they are not entirely sure that will work.

If it does work (and the landing is successful), we'll know immediately as it happens. But if all we hear is silence, it'll be nearly a day before we know if that is "just a minor glitch" or "really bad news".
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 07:57 am
rosborne979 wrote:
How long after it lands before it starts its mission? I'm assuming they will have a period of time after the landing where it will run through a bazillion diagnostics on itself, before actually getting going.

Probably a month or two before the science starts in earnest. Although as they test various systems, they will be using the actual equipment and will likely try to get some results from that.

rosborne979 wrote:
Also, how long after it lands before we get the first images?

Probably a day or two before there is a picture you'd enjoy looking at.

However, if the various orbiters succeed in relaying data from the lander tonight, they'll probably get a small (say about 50x50 pixels) black and white image about two hours after the landing.
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 10:44 am
Scientists Look To Martian Rocks For History Of Life
Jessica Stoller-Conrad and Joe Palca - NPR
August 5, 2012

NASA has sent rovers to explore Mars before. But three words explain what makes this latest mission to Mars so different: location, location, location.

The rover Curiosity is slated to land late Sunday in Gale Crater, near the base of a 3-mile-high mountain with layers like the Grand Canyon. Scientists think those rocks could harbor secrets about the history of water — and life — on the Red Planet.

"It's got a giant mountain in the middle of the crater. There are lots of exposed layers [of clay and minerals]," says Samuel Kounaves, a chemistry professor at Tufts University who will analyze data from the mission. "Instruments aboard the orbiters have told us that a lot of the minerals in that area are minerals that would be formed with water present, so it's a very interesting area."

Water is essential for life on Earth, so where there's evidence of ancient water on Mars, researchers think they might also find clues to ancient life. "[Curiosity] is not going to be looking for life directly, but it's going to be looking for past habitability," Kounaves says. "We're looking to see if the elements required for life are there."

The Curiosity rover is being sent to explore Gale Crater, site of ancient water and modern-day mountains.

Curiosity carries 10 experiment stations. One, called Sample Analysis at Mars, or SAM, will use instruments like a mass spectrometer and gas chromatograph to look for elements that exist in the Martian soil and atmosphere. Scientists back on Earth will then calculate how those elements may have influenced the history of Mars, including the possibility of microbial life.

Geologist David Blake from NASA's Ames Research Center says rocks are a great place to look for clues because certain minerals form only under certain circumstances. "If we identify all the minerals that are present in, say, a 4-billion-year-old sample in Gale Crater, we can tell you what the conditions of the environment were; whether it was a lake, whether it was a stream-bed, just what the surrounding conditions were."

Blake is in charge of a chemistry and mineralogy instrument on the rover called CheMin. It is charged with identifying the minerals in a rock sample. Earlier expeditions have found minerals like olivine, which form in lava, and jarosite, which precipitates out of water. The minerals reflect the Mars environment at the time the rocks were formed.

"If you look for a billion-year-old rock on the Earth, you won't find it," Blake says. That's because Earth is still geologically active, and old rocks are being buried.

But on Mars, very old rocks are still sitting on the surface. "So we can go to Mars and look at rocks that are probably very similar to the early Earth and tell a story about both planets."

Scientists also will be evaluating the chemical composition of the Martian landscape using color photography.

These Martian cliffs look a lot like sedimentary rocks on Earth. Were they formed by water?

"We use color as a way to understand, in a relatively simple sense, the geology and the composition and the mineral content of the rocks and soils there," says Jim Bell, a professor of astronomy and planetary science at Arizona State University who is working on the project.

"If we see a black rock, it's probably a fresh-from-Mars volcanic material, just like you'd find in Hawaii or Iceland," Bell says. This visual analysis, though not completely reliable, is a simple and energy-efficient way to classify the minerals seen in the Martian soil, he adds.

It's not all work and no play, however, for Curiosity's high-resolution cameras. "One of the things we do with these color cameras is the same thing that you or another tourist would do with their cellphone camera: Just look around and take beautiful color pictures, and soak up the landscape," Bell says.

Curiosity's landing will be a nail-biter; engineers had to devise a high-risk landing system that lowers Curiosity to the ground with cables from a hovering sky crane. (Check out our report on Adam Steltzner, the rocker who led the lander design effort.)

Tune in to see if it works at about 10:30 p.m. Sunday PDT; video from Mission Control (not from Mars) will be broadcast live. You can catch it in Times Square, too.


Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 10:55 am
Crazy Smart: When A Rocker Designs A Mars Lander
by Joe Palca - NPR
Morning Edition
August 3, 2012

It's called the seven minutes of terror. In just seven minutes, NASA's latest mission to Mars, a new six-wheeled rover called Curiosity, must go from 13,000 mph as it enters the Martian atmosphere to a dead stop on the surface.

During those seven minutes, the rover is on its own. Earth is too far away for radio signals to make it to Mars in time for ground controllers to do anything. Everything in the system known as EDL — for Entry, Descent and Landing — must work perfectly, or Curiosity will not so much land as go splat.

The team that invented the EDL system has spent nearly 10 years together, designing, building, testing, tweaking, retesting and retweaking. Now all they can do is sit and wait to see if their design works.

So you won't be surprised to learn that this is a rather nerve-wracking time for Adam Steltzner, the EDL team leader.

"The product of nine years of my life will be put to the test Sunday evening," Steltzner told me when I visited him at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., in late July. "And so that is personally anxiety provoking."

I don't know about you, but I tend to think of engineers as serious buttoned-down types. Steltzner is anything but.

He has pierced ears, wears snakeskin boots and sports an Elvis haircut. He's quick to laugh and curious about everything. Steltzner's laid-back style makes team meetings a jolly affair. I stopped by one of those meetings during my visit. The jollity was still there, but it was clear that the prelanding tension was rising.

"We are 19 days from landing," he told his team. "Is that freaky or what? Freaks me out to no end. Every time I say that, my back gets tight."

Steltzner had some advice for his colleagues.

"If any of you are sharing any of the emotional experience I am, keeping ourselves, like, chill, and focused and not freaking, is a good thing to do," he said.

VIDEO: 7 Minutes OF Terror

Watch Steltzner and others at NASA explain the hair-raising sequence of events that must go perfectly right in order for Curiosity to land safely on Mars on Sunday night.

From Rock Star Dreams To Rocket Science

Steltzner's path to becoming team leader for this new Mars lander was hardly direct. Unlike many successful engineers, he struggled at school. An elementary school principal told him he wasn't very bright. His high school experience seemed to confirm that.

"I passed my geometry class the second time with an F plus, because the teacher just didn't want to see me again," he says.

His father told him he'd never amount to anything but a ditch digger, a remark he still carries with him years later.

Maybe that's because school wasn't a priority, particularly with the distractions of the flower-power era in the Bay Area.

"I was sort of studying sex, drugs and rock and roll in high school," says Steltzner. It wasn't just the long hair. "I liked to wear this strange Air Force jump suit. And my first car was a '69 Cadillac hearse. I put a bed in the back."

Talk about a night to remember. "Well, I was younger. It was a different time," says Steltzner.

After high school, the plan was to be a rock star. While he waited for stardom, Steltzner played bass guitar in Bay Area bands, watching his friends graduate and go off to college.

Finding Purpose In The Stars

But then something happened. As Steltzner tells it, he was on his way home from playing music at a club one night when he became fascinated with the stars, especially the constellation of Orion.

"The fact that it was in a different place in the sky at night when I returned home from playing a gig, than it had been when I'd driven out to the gig," he said. "And I had only some vague recollection from my high school time that something was moving with respect to something else, but that was it."

As crazy as it sounds, that experience was enough to motivate him to take a physics course at the local community college. That did it. He was hooked.

The fog of sex, drugs, and rock and roll lifted. He had to know all about the laws that govern the universe. The rocker wound up with a doctoral degree in engineering physics.

"I was totally turned on by this idea of understanding my world," Steltzner said. "Engineering gave me an opportunity to be gainfully employed [and] really understanding my world with these laws and equations that governed it."

After years of being somewhat aimless, he was glad to be involved in something more practical, a career that produced something tangible at the end of the day.

"With music, how your band is thought of has to do with how you dress, and who you open for, or who opens for you," he said. "That ephemeral, not really able to get a solid understanding of good and bad was tough for me, and the thing that engineering and physics gave me was this idea that there was a right answer, and I could get to it."

I asked Steltzner whether he would have been just as happy getting to the right answer while designing waste-treatment facilities. Did it have to be something as glamorous as designing a landing system for a Mars probe? He thought for a minute before he answered.

"I grew up in an era where space was revered," he said. "So I think there's a kind of natural ego drive to be involved in something so sexy. And I came from rock 'n' roll, and there's a lot of sexy in rock 'n' roll. So in terms of, really, just what I would need to measure myself, it could have been waste treatment, but I also needed a little bit of sexy."

'Rover On A Rope': Crazy. Sexy. Cool.

He's got the sexy, but Steltzner has added a dash of crazy to the mix, especially when it comes to the design he and his team invented for the landing system.

A totally new Mars landing system was needed because other systems, including the airbags used on earlier rovers, were considered too wimpy to land Curiosity safely. The craft is the biggest rover yet, weighing in at more than 2,000 pounds — about five times as heavy as the Spirit and Opportunity rovers sent to Mars in 2003. Then there's the pesky Martian atmosphere. It's too thin to make parachutes alone effective, and too thick to make rocket brakes enough.

So Steltzner's team came up with a kind of rocket-powered platform that hovers over the Martian surface and lowers Curiosity down on a cable — a system that was once derisively referred to as "rover on a rope."

Crazy, but to an engineer, crazy smart.

"It ends up being we've come to really love this system," he said.

And as Steltzner will be the first to tell you, he didn't invent it all by himself.

"This is way bigger than any one person, way bigger than any five, 10, 20, 100. At one point, there were almost 2,000 people working on this project," he said. "So to bring all those people together takes some teaming. And also, I like people. So bringing that sense of togetherness together is important for me."

We'll know on Sunday night California time whether all that teamwork invented a landing system able to withstand the hazards Mars can throw at it.

GALLERY: A 'Crazy' Landing Scheme

Because the new Mars rover is five times heavier than its predecessors, NASA had to come up with a totally new landing system. Here's a step-by-step look at how it is supposed to work.

The Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft will approach Mars at 13,000 mph. The entry, descent and landing process has to guide it to a soft landing.
This artist's concept shows thrusters firing to steer the spacecraft as it enters Martian atmosphere. The Curiosity rover has traveled for more than seven months inside the spacecraft.
Friction with the Martian atmosphere helps slow the spacecraft as it descends. It also heats the heat shield. Friction alone accounts for almost all of the deceleration needed for landing.
A parachute more than 50 feet across pops out, adding a bit more braking as the craft sinks into Mars's lower atmosphere.
With the heat shield jettisoned, the rover can be seen tucked into the backshell of the spacecraft.
Rocket thrusters provide the last little bit of deceleration. At the same time, radar clicks on, giving the craft information about its speed and distance from the surface.
Here's where things get crazy. A new "sky crane" lowers the rover on three cables while hovering above the surface.
Once the sky crane senses that it's no longer supporting the rover, it releases the cables and flies off to crash-land a safe distance away. Curiosity is now free to explore its new home.

GALLERY: Landing Ideas That Didn't Fly

Steltzner and his colleagues considered several options before hitting upon the 'sky crane' concept.

Airbags: They don't work because Curiosity is much heavier than past rovers.
Legs. Too unstable; rover will tip over.
Pallet: A wider base and more legs still isn't enough to overcome stability issue. Too wimpy.
This is it! Lowering the rover on a cable makes it easier for the landing system to know when the rover's actually on solid ground.


0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 01:37 pm
Sunday night...
Lustig Andrei
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 03:47 pm

By Irene Klotz
PASADENA, Calif. | Sun Aug 5, 2012 5:19pm EDT
Aug 5 (Reuters) - NASA cheekily calls the Mars Science Lab's risky approach and landing attempt the "seven minutes of terror." In reality, the anxiety at mission control could last much longer.

The robotic lander dubbed Curiosity, a $2.5 billion mission to search for life-friendly habitats on the Red Planet, was on autopilot for touchdown at 10:31 p.m. PDT Sunday (1:31 a.m. EDT Monday/0531 GMT).

If all goes as planned, NASA will heave a big sigh of relief immediately. But word of whether Curiosity survives may not come for hours.

Because Earth sets over the Martian horizon minutes before Curiosity is due to land, direct communication with the lander will be cut off. Scientists tracking the craft from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California will depend on three other spacecraft in orbit around Mars to transmit information about the rover's fate.

One of those orbiters, nicknamed Odyssey, can potentially relay Curiosity's descent and landing signals in real time. But NASA won't know if this satellite can be properly positioned for live coverage until about 15 minutes before Curiosity hits the Martian atmosphere.

Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 05:36 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
I'm definitely going to be watching. CNN is supposed to carry it live, but just in case they flub up or something, we can hopefully see it here - NasaTV.

Always good to have a backup plan Smile
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 05:45 pm
Ill go to bed early and set an alarm for midnight and its down in front of the big screen
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 05:59 pm
Me, too! With fingers and toes crossed!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 06:22 pm
Irishk wrote:
I'm definitely going to be watching. CNN is supposed to carry it live, but just in case they flub up or something, we can hopefully see it here - NasaTV.

Always good to have a backup plan Smile

NASA TV will be better than CNN I think.

NASA TV is channel 286 on Dish Network, and channel 346 on DirecTV.

Keep in mind that there are a number of possible glitches that could delay our receipt of information from the probe for some hours. Some glitches only delay our knowledge for a couple hours. But the most severe of the "harmless" glitches could delay our knowledge of the lander's fate for up to 19 hours, until 8:30 PM Eastern/5:30 Pacific.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 09:37 pm
Go rover.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 09:41 pm
YOu can also watch it live here, http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/nasatv/
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 11:33 pm
Touchdown on Mars!!!!!
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2012 11:48 pm
Just Amazing!
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2012 12:03 am
I'm sure that all that other countries who have landers on Mars welcome us to the planet.

Joe(hmmm. There don't seem to be any other countries with landers.)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2012 12:05 am
Irishk wrote:
Touchdown on Mars!!!!!

Yep. Every single thing worked flawlessly.

Even the extra things they didn't think they'd get, they got (like small pictures on the ground within a minute of landing before Mars Odyssey went out of range).

Mars Odyssey will be back in range around 3:30 AM Eastern, 12:30 AM Pacific (landing + 2 hours), and there should be more pictures then.
0 Replies

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