It may not be an issue of whether its a good idea. Unless other planets withn the "goldilocks zone' at the time of the suns exhaustion of its HYDROGEN and when it starts burning HELIUM, we will all need to move a few feet out of the ring of the Big Broil.
Maybe, by more missions, Titan or Europa even will be somewhat more hospitable as the sun reaches further out during the last billion years or so.
By the time we may need to worry (save an errant hit by an Apophis or similar asteroid), about the sun, itll be about 3 billion years from now and you and I will be no more inconvenienced than we were before we were born.
I just like to ruminate over "Stuff" where we can use resources , gifts from the various planetary geology banks and to convert them to products and infrastructure that can sustain for us, a comfortable life. I think that
1. Whenever fusion technology is a given and workable tech, we will be able to easily make products by fusion (just as the early universe could create all other elements from Hydrogen , Helium, lithium, and Beryllium)
2. We have to think 1000 years and more ahead when we will use what WILL be available technologies then as opposed to what we are limited to in our present bag of tricks.
3. Ill bet, in another million years, we will be able to actually create an ARTIFICIAL SUN by compacting a super dense ball of H/He and, depending on its sustainability, either use it as a Sol or as a creator of elements for using in our Terraforming lab.
I think that horizons of creativity arise as a function of need. As we see the number of these near earth objects whizzing by, we will soon start saying that
Hey,we can get these things out of our way by either messing with theor orbits and using Jupiter as a big vacuum cleaner, or (more dangerously) busting them up so that, when theor conservation of momentum still showers us with chunks, they will only give us a light show.
Then, after that, Sometime in the next few million years, some wag will then start considering the "end of the sun's life " and our place in a more lonely universe, as our galaxy is left alone and burning out.
(Of course, we will have to, sometime in the nxt tens of million of years, consider that Andromeda and the Milky Way are going to hve a meet-up at high velocity)
Right now, we are mere tadpoles in the frogpond.