Forensic evidence is what Vendramini has totally ignored. Gunga is easily distracted by shiny objects and cartoon representations of science. Its often less entertaining to go through the drudge work that verifies the real scientific views and that violates gungas ADD directed mind.
Neandertlas did NOT look like apes, They also had a sris of genes that are consistant with speech
a complete skeleton from Mesnaskaya cavern was constructed by paleoanthropoligists using bone on bone assemblies . The reconstruction has been made with careful concern to mucle insertions evidenced by striations on the bones. The Vendramini model shows a hairy, dark skinned stooping APE. As you can see the "upright" config of the below skeleton is hardly an ape
Also there is a gene for coding the melanocortin receptor, called MRC1. The neanderthal version of this receptor was sequenced from 2 different specimens of neanderthal (El Sidron 1252, and Monte Lessini 3) The sequencing discovered mutations in the MRC1 recptor. This is similar to the same alleles in Northern European humans. With these mutations ina ll of the samples It becomes evident that this receptor results in neanderthals with Red Hair and very pale skin. Paabo theorizes that the northern population of neanderthals were exceedingly efficient in metabolizing vitamin D in the low sunlight/
Vendramini is just trying to sell comic books and gunga is helping him/ very "hit" Vendramini gets on places like this, he is able to capitalize by selling his self published bullshitAs Isaid before, gunga is easily distracted and he likes shiny bits of gum wrappers over meat and taters