Sometimes I think he was a CIA pastsy or something, possibly druged and force to commit this crime.
I find it very interesting that this horrible event took place right about the same time the UN writes up a gun treaty, Something like this happening would surly increase the likely hood of America signing this treaty.
I'm just saying we shouldn't always take something at face value, unless information comes from a trusted friend. What I'm sayin is we should always concider the interconnected-ness of our world. & coinincedences probably arn't as common as we would like to think they are.
I would also like to suggest you, as I have, write a letter to congress asking them not to sign the UN treaty. Yes guns are dangerous, but if cops carry guns then so should innocent civilians. Think about it, if cops have guns criminals will carry guns whether or not the UN bans them. Innocent people need a way of protecting themselfs from criminals who illegaly obtain guns.
I'm not a religious person but I did find this quote, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one" -Jesus (I think?)
Stand up for your rights, and especailly your second ammendmant right.