izzythepush wrote:You're not making much of an argument when you have to feign
ignorance of English vernacular.
I mere ly pointed out
that I have not mated with any of them. It did not even occur to me.
For mating purposes, Americans don't go to gun freedom meetings.
I can understand your Queen; not the slightest problem with Churchill, but English vernacular
has slown me down quite a lot
; perplexing. That 's no joke.
That is
NOT making an argument, Izzy; not at all.
izzythepush wrote:You know fully well what I meant by mates.
It does not affect the argument at hand.
izzythepush wrote: Ingoring facts with a bit of bluster [WHAT bluster do u have in mind??] and prejudice doesn't help either.
WHICH facts did I ignore?? Help me out, here.
izzythepush wrote:When Gabrielle Gifford was shot
there were armed men in the crowd who didn't react. Fact.
What is the
source of your information on this point ?
Maybe it coud be possible that some of them were armed.
I have no way of knowing. I was not there to search them.
The way I heard it, an armed citizen ran in
from outside
the place of assembly when he heard the gunfire, but it was too late.
It is very possible that u have better information than I do.
Perhaps u will reveal it, if u r so moven.
DAVID wrote:Someone shot at me
and then fled when he saw my reflective,
stainless steel mirror .44 revolver come into vu
izzythepush wrote:So you didn't actually need a real gun,
an imitation would have frightened him off.
Izzy, I am
VERY shocked
that u suggest that I shud have limited myself to a
BLUFF gun!
In your thinking, for
WHAT reason woud I
possibly want to
intentionally render myself
HELPLESS, against the speculative
chance that he
MIGHT fall for the bluff?????
Please explain the reason that I 'd
NOT want to be as able as possible
to effectively control, to
dominate, a predatory emergency???????????
Every predatory event is a contest of power. U
KNOW that, right???
In your beliefs,
what shud I have done,
if he 'd kept on firing his gun in my direction??????????
What is the correct procedure with a bluff gun, in
THAT situation????
I wanna
HEAR this.
izzythepush wrote:Over here we don't get shot at, and had you been hit your pistol may not have been of any use at all.
U choose speculative language, discussing idle
I was as
prepared as reasonably possible.
( Incidentally, I did not have much faith in pistols: thay jam too much.
I had a revolver, for better mechanical reliability; did u c the picture?? )
I had been prepared for several decades, since age
( tho, admittedly, at that age I did not know that a .38 caliber revolver
has less than optimal stopping power, before I upgraded to a .44 special;
I had not yet heard of the Philippine Insurrection of 1899 ).
izzythepush wrote:You do seem to like living in a fantasy world where you're the hero, [????]
saving bankers politicians and general fat cats from feral outlaws, but it is a fantasy.
Y do u say such a thing, Izzy????
NEVER in the privacy of my mind,
have I ever thought of such a thing, much less have I posted
anything of the kind. U don't give
my laziness enuf credit.
indolence is exceeded only by my
but neither of them can compete with my
selfishness (since age
If I wanted to be a "hero" as u allege, I 'd have become a
fireman, not a lawyer.
Unless I
really CARE about someone, I have no inclination
to become involved in violence to rescue such a person.
I usually prefer to mind my own business.
Please explain the reason that u accused me of that.
It has
no basis in truth ( nor in fantasy,
either ).
If I 'm gonna have a fantasy, it 'll involve especially delightful young ladies
or my winning the MegaMillions Jackpots several times a year, not saving cats.
I 'll call the
Fire Dept. 911 to save
them. The bankers can save themselves.
( A couple of guys actually
did save Donald Trump's mom from a mugger, about a mile from me. )
Mugging = assault & robbery.
izzythepush wrote:You don't know how you'll react in a real crisis,
once when I was crossing the road a car shot past me,
barely missing me, but smashing into a carrier bag full of groceries
that I was carrying. I was gobsmacked, and by the time I'd thought
of taking his number plate down he was well gone.
I hope that u r OK.
I 'm sorry that your gob got smacked. Is it better now??
Did u go to the hospital ?