Mass Shooting At Denver Batman Movie Premiere

Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 10:37 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Rockhead wrote:
but, if everyone in the theatre had had an assault rifle, with armor piecrcing rounds,
they woulda stopped him right there in his tracks.

I'm just sayin'...

This idea is starting to grow on me.
But let's separate "assault weapon" (harmless cosmetic features)
from the issue of carrying rifles with AP ammo in public.

One question I have is, if people started carrying rifles slung over
their shoulder everywhere they went in public, how would they
stow them when they were seated (say, at a restaurant, or in a
theater during a movie). It would not be quite the same
as a handgun resting securely in a holster.

Thay can have gunnery lockers.
I remember seeing a piece on ABC-TV WORLD NEWS,
with Peter Jennings around the 1990s, of a school
in one of the North Western States, whose students
had trouble with predation from local fauna
who did not know that WE r at the top of the food chain.

Accordingly, in order to keep body & soul together,
the school enacted a rule that the students were required
to bring loaded guns (rifles or shotguns) to school each day, for safety.

Thay showed and interviewed the students, aged 8 to 12,
who indicated that each day thay came to school,
put their coats on the coatrack, put their hats on the hatrack
and put their guns in the gun rack and at the end of each day
thay took their stuff and went home. No trouble.

Yes, but if the rifle is to be used to protect against sudden attack by armored psychopaths, it needs to be immediately at hand so people can just reach down and grab their gun. It will do little good if it is locked in a cabinet on the other side of the room.
0 Replies
Lustig Andrei
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 10:38 am

This was soooo bound to happen. Another thread degenerated into pro-gun/anti-gun rhetoric. Nobod's interested in discussing the motives behind this incredibly stupid and horrific deed; nobody's commenting on the tragic loss of all those lives or the anguished sorrow of the survivors. It's all about gun control and whether shoulder-type weapons are to be preferred over side-arms.

You are ALL -- without exception -- SICK, SICK, SICK!!!
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 10:40 am
@Lustig Andrei,
Nobod's interested in discussing the motives behind this incredibly stupid and horrific deed;

I am...I want to talk about how we go about growing people who want to do things like this, and how we can stop. We can never take away all of the tools used for mass killing, so the place to work is not creating people who will use them.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 10:40 am
A hammer can be deadly so can a baseball bat and any knife and there had been many times in the history that they had been deadly however most hammers are use to drive nails and most baseball bats are use to play baseball and most knives are use for any purpose other then killing humans.

Most of the hundreds of millions of firearms in the US had never been used to harm a human in anyway any more then a baseball bat.

Most guns are used at target ranges to put holes in paper or in hunting to but holes in animals and to keep ready for self defense if need be just as a fire extinguisher is kept ready and just like a fire extinguisher most reach the end of their life without needing to be used in that manner.

Footnote I remember reading a case where a man with a sword kill as many people as was kill last night at that theater.

Maybe I will google for that case.

Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 10:43 am
@Lustig Andrei,
Lustig Andrei wrote:

This was soooo bound to happen. Another thread degenerated into pro-gun/anti-gun rhetoric. Nobod's interested in discussing the motives behind this incredibly stupid and horrific deed; nobody's commenting on the tragic loss of all those lives or the anguished sorrow of the survivors. It's all about gun control and whether shoulder-type weapons are to be preferred over side-arms.

It's all Joe's fault.

You are ALL -- without exception -- SICK, SICK, SICK!!!

At least we have you, MA, to regulate our morality.
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 10:44 am
farmerman wrote:
Im just feeding into another mindless "My gun is bigger tha your gun" asswipe discussion.
Farmer, u r not paying attention.
That is not the subject matter of the discussion.
In point of fact, I have only one long barrelled (7.5 inch) gun,
my .44 magnum Ruger SuperBlackhawk, which was also available
with a 1O inch barrel, that I did not choose.
I very seldom use it and I 'd probably not use it for defense.
U have a lot of MISapprehension concerning the pro-freedom
of self defense mindset. My gun collection consists predominantly
of compact, short barrelled revolvers and some compact automatics,
with one longer .22 caliber target pistol.

What u said about: "My gun is bigger tha your gun" is unrelated to fact; just your imagination.
I rather dislike bulky handguns. I like them compact.

farmerman wrote:
We need to regulate guns better and
I hope the US public gets steamed
up to push back.
I hope that any vestige of victim disarmament is extirpated, eradicated, annihilated,
expunged, deracinated, obliterated, pissed all over, flushed away and forgotten.

farmerman wrote:
This second amendment (as if it 's existence makes it right) needs change.
Then start a political battle to amend the Constitution n throw out the Bill of Rights.
We 'll oppose u and see who wins. I feel pretty good,
especially bearing in mind what Clinton & Gore said
about Democratic defeats at the hands of the NRA (me).

farmerman wrote:
We need to stop supporting an industry by an antiquated constitutional element.
If "We" means violent criminals, then I see your point.
Its dangerous work, if your victims are defensively armed,
as these theater attenders were NOT; irresponsible.


0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 10:46 am
A hammer can be deadly so can a baseball bat

But you're not satisfied to arm yourself only with a baseball bat or a hammer--you carry a concealed gun and have more firearms in your home.

Do you have any feelings for the people who were killed and injured in that movie theater? You keep posting about even more ways to commit mass murders. Are you giving out helpful hints?
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 10:51 am

I for one am thinking hard about how to defend when your attacker is wearing armor.

If you think really hard, you will realise you can outrun him.

So run to a phone and summon the police.
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 10:52 am
@Lustig Andrei,
Lustig Andrei wrote:

This was soooo bound to happen. Another thread degenerated into pro-gun/anti-gun rhetoric. Nobod's interested in discussing the motives behind this incredibly stupid and horrific deed;

Now wait a minute. I'm open to discussing that.

However, as far as I can see, the sum total of his known motivation can be summed up as: "He's a lunatic who was acting out the part of a batman villain."

It would be interesting though to hear why his parents immediately told the police "You've got the right man."

Lustig Andrei wrote:
nobody's commenting on the tragic loss of all those lives or the anguished sorrow of the survivors.

I think you are mistaken here. That has been commented on.

Lustig Andrei wrote:
It's all about gun control and whether shoulder-type weapons are to be preferred over side-arms.

Well, while I'm not an avid moviegoer, I do go to the occasional movie, particularly the occasional occurrence of Star Wars/Star Trek/Lord of the Rings/Hobbit.

I for one would very much like to be as prepared as possible if I am watching a movie and I am suddenly attacked by a raging lunatic.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 10:52 am
Do you have any feelings for the people who were killed and injured in that movie theater?

I dont figure that good vibes or prayer is going to help them. As a collective our primary job now is to figure out what went wrong and to try to fix it. Victim worship has become a fetish, and it sucks up time and energy which could be used much more productively elsewhere.
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 10:55 am

our primary job now is to figure out what went wrong an try to fix it

I can help you with that.
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 11:01 am
firefly wrote:
Oralloy wrote:
As for your question about 100 round drums, one possible defensive use would be fending off a large body of rioters in a city.

It wouldn't be of much use, since you're also giving those rioters the right to purchase such weapons and 100 round drum magazines.

Having the same sort of weapon will not confer a decisive advantage to the rioters if the defenders fortify properly to protect from incoming fire.

firefly wrote:
Oralloy wrote:
If a rifle were fired at a rate of 50-60 rounds a minute, it would seem like it would be pretty hard to aim at anything.

Which would make it pretty difficult to control, and quite dangerous, even in the hands of the most skilled marksmen.

A lot less dangerous than aimed fire.

A skilled marksman would not pull the trigger so fast, and so would not be firing at that rate to begin with.

firefly wrote:
Would you even want the police to routinely carry assault rifles with such 100 round drum magazines?

That depends. I think the police should have to abide by the same gun laws that ordinary people do.

And I presume that the police would know better than to fire so quickly.

So if the same weapons are available to civilians, then yes, I'd be OK with the police also using them.

(Note again that the issue of whether a gun is an assault weapon has little relevance, as it just means that the gun has some harmless cosmetic features.)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 11:02 am
McTag wrote:

our primary job now is to figure out what went wrong an try to fix it

I can help you with that.

carry on then...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 11:14 am

I for one am thinking hard about how to defend when your attacker is wearing armor.
McTag wrote:
If you think really hard, you will realise you can outrun him.
Do u know whether the armor is heavy or light weight????
Maybe U can outrun him, McTag,
but I coud not outrun anyone.

McTag wrote:
So run to a phone and summon the police.
Will u explain that to Reginald Denny and to Kitty Genovese ?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 11:19 am
McTag wrote:
Oralloy wrote:
I for one am thinking hard about how to defend when your attacker is wearing armor.

If you think really hard, you will realise you can outrun him.

So run to a phone and summon the police.

Running might earn me a hunting round in my back. Nasty wound, likely fatal.

Presumably I can call the police on a cell phone. But then there is the period where I need to rely on myself for defense until the agents of the government arrive to take matters into hand.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 11:24 am
So I know people who keep a baseball bat ready to used as tool for self defense under a bed or by the door and one woman who keep ready a anti-bear container of pepper spay the size of a large home fire extinguish as a means of self defense.

As I am a target shooter why would I picked some other tool as a means of self defense also given that in order not to have problems moving a handgun from home to the range it is wise to have a CC license in any case?

My skills and my interests all lean to having a firearm as my choice for a self defense tool however it is not a perfect mean as in anywhere within ten to 15 feet or so a knife can be a more useful tool.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 11:29 am
@Lustig Andrei,

Lustig Andrei wrote:
This was soooo bound to happen.
Another thread degenerated into pro-gun/anti-gun rhetoric.
What did u EXPECT ??????

Lustig Andrei wrote:
Nobod's interested in discussing the motives
behind this incredibly stupid and horrific deed;
On the CONTRARY, I 'm very intensely interested in that.
I 'll dedicate a new thread to it; we 'll see how well it is received.
It 'd be good if we had some mental health care professionals among us.

Lustig Andrei wrote:
nobody's commenting on the tragic loss of all those lives [12??]
or the anguished sorrow of the survivors.
What the hell good can POSSIBLY come from THAT???
U want wailing n nashing of teeth from A2K???
R u gonna rent out your garments ?

Lustig Andrei wrote:
It's all about gun control and whether shoulder-type weapons are to be preferred over side-arms.

You are ALL -- without exception -- SICK, SICK, SICK!!!
We look to U to cure us all.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 12:06 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
Nobod's interested in discussing the motives behind this incredibly stupid and horrific deed

If this deed involved only a single person, with no ties to any particular group or conspiracy, I'm not sure the exact individual motives matter. Obviously, this person wanted to kill as many people as possible, as fast as possible, and he might have wanted to achieve notoriety for such an act.He certainly wanted to remain alive to see the effects of his actions, because he took great care to protect himself with defensive gear and he surrendered without resistance.

Does his motivation really matter? Would it make a difference if this was a political statement? Or related to a paranoid delusion? Or a hatred of Batman movies? Does the motivation change anything?

It's interesting that the police chief said he didn't want to discuss motivations, and that, even if he was aware of them, he wouldn't reveal them. That's a little unusual in cases like this. They may already be aware of the motivation--they're just not talking about it. The police chief said they want details like that to be part of the court case.

Personally, I don't care what his motivation was right now. I don't want to speculate about it. I can wait for the case to play out in a courtroom.

And the news programs are really trying to focus on the victims, and their names, rather than just talking about this murderer, and speculating about his motives, in some attempt to curtail the massive publicity and personal notoriety he may have been seeking, although obviously his name will still become well known.

There is some concern about copy-cat crimes and they have stepped up security at theaters showing the Batman movie. But, why would they assume someone else who wants to commit this sort of crime would choose the same movie?

Some movie chains have said they will now not admit patrons wearing masks covering their faces, or even wearing costumes. But this man apparently didn't enter the theater dressed in his gear, he went out through an exit door, changed in his car, and then returned through the exit door.

Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 12:14 pm
.He certainly wanted to remain alive to see the effects of his actions, because he took great care to protect himself with defensive gear and he surrendered without resistance.

DEEPLY flawed logic. He may have wanted to prolong his life so the he could kill more people. Since there is a reasonable explanation contrary to yours your use of the word "certainly" is misplaced.
Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2012 12:18 pm

DEEPLY flawed logic. He may have wanted to prolong his life so the he could kill more people. Since there is a reasonable explanation contrary to yours your use of the word "certainly" is misplaced.

After his shooting spree, he made no attempt to kill himself, and he gave the police no reason to kill or injure him while making an arrest.

There is nothing wrong with my logic. This man wanted to remain alive.

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