Somewhat OT Foof, but the “God Particle” seems well named. In spitxe of “scientific” approach that denies the supernatural, the Intuition is drawn to the idea that
1. The entire Universe seems a dreary, pointless exercise without the humanoid, as just a whole lot of particles aimlessly bouncing off one another forever
We’re special
2. The physical constants seem to have been “adjusted” specifically to allow for the evolution of life, in some cases within a fraction of one percent
3. Other factors, perhaps many of them, such as the very architecture of the atomic and subatomic particles likely figure into our existence, the Higgs Boson being one
Quote:However, are the bosons similar in other possible universes?
Not knowing otherwise Inutition suggests yes
Quote:If not, those other universes can be quite empty!
Quite so. I suspect life is distributed thinly, depending on such as the size of its planet and that of its sun, distance between, etc. But if there’s only one world like ours in the entire galaxy, then it’s been estimated altogether there must be a very minimum of three sextillion of us