tsarstepan wrote:
Do driver's licenses hold the same weight as legal tender in t of their respective face value? I'll clarify, state driver's licenses are considered legit as forms of legal IDs. Help an individual access vaious federal buildings, state courts, etc....
What happens to one changes ones address (informs the state DMV of said change as per the regulations) but what happens to the legal weight of the state ID if the stated address on the ID is the p someone ast address annnd the DMV hasn't gotten around to sending out a new license with the new address). Can someone asking for a state ID refuse to accpet the old license as legal ID?
Yes, they can refuse to accept the old license as legal ID. When both BBB and I (8 years later) moved from California to New Mexico, neither of us could tender local checks at some businesses until we had at least a temporary New Mexico driver's license. That temporary driver's license is the bridge that solves the transition problem from one address to another.
To obtain my NM license, I had to show several documents (rental agreement, utility bills, etc.) that proved my New Mexico residence and had to show our Social Security cards to prove we were citizens of the country.