Exactly - I did not sign on for four more years of college out of preparedness for dying tommorrow. Even at 85 you can still do things. You should never act as though you were in mortal danger of death. There's nothing you can do about it anyway, except for the usual don't-do-dumb-things common sense stuff, and there's so much more to life.
While I have accepted the inevitibility of death from an early age, I sincerely hope I will live forever.
if some woman don't kill me I'll live til I die
Rufio--wonderful attitude.
Quote:It might be my last day, and I also might live to be 100. The best way is to be prepared for anything - even the good things.
I just live. I don't even think if it is my last or not. I don't need that kind of thinking. It doesn't help.
The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
Two points: By preparing for death, I mean simply eliminating the fear of the inevitable.
By living as if you died YESTERDAY, I mean simply living with minimal ego involvement or interference.
I don't see any value in living with "minimal ego involvement or interference". Life is a time to get things done, not to be humble about doing them. And in your first case, wouldn't preparing for death be the same as ignoring it?
No one is prepared for death.
A "coward" (one who is unprepared) dies a thousand deaths. Prepared, we just live and die--no real problem, as Edgar notes.
If I thought it would be my last day on earth, I would call off work, skip exercising, gather friends and family (and ask them to bring the flowers TODAY!!!), and splurge on desserts.
But you can't live every day like that. Part of being human is the ability to plan for the future and do what we ought instead of as we wish.
last day?
No. How would we be able to plan for the things that take time to accomplish if we lived every day as if it were our last? The things that take time, are more personally gratifying than the things that take little time, effort, and endurance. Now if we are answering this question as if it were asked in the sense of do we give tasks or endeavors our all? Yes, "always do your best" as my mother always said.
Hey, Susan. Welcome to A2K. Hope this won't be your last day here.