Sat 2 Jun, 2012 11:39 am
Quote]There are, in the end, two ways to reduce Medicare costs. One is to increase the amount that seniors have to pay for it (which Obama's proposed budget does, modestly, for wealthier seniors). The other is to end fee-for-service Medicare as we know it and replace it with a system in which doctors are not rewarded for performing unnecessary tests and procedures but are paid by straight salary or per patient they see.[quote/] Joe Klein, Time magazine
Everyone is getting rich except seniors, workers and minorities.
You always have it in your power to admit that you are powerless.
Ashleigh Brilliant
Quote:replace it with a system in which doctors are not rewarded for performing unnecessary tests
Amen. When I was a kid you called Doc only when you were sick, then he came to visit. Later on, you had to go to him, with the suggestion that you get a checkup about bi-yearly, that is once every 2 years. Now he wants you to come in once a month sick or not
Rick judging from the pertinence of this OP mayhap you’re one with unusual power somehow. Even if you only write Letters to the Editor as I do
dalehileman wrote:
Quote:replace it with a system in which doctors are not rewarded for performing unnecessary tests
Amen. When I was a kid you called Doc only when you were sick, then he came to visit. Later on, you had to go to him, with the suggestion that you get a checkup about bi-yearly, that is once every 2 years. Now he wants you to come in once a month sick or not
Rick judging from the pertinence of this OP mayhap you’re one with unusual power somehow. Even if you only write Letters to the Editor as I do
I recognize my own weaknesses -- the futility of my making things happen if that's what you mean. The only power I have ends at my finger tips.
How about a combination of both?
JPB wrote:
How about a combination of both?
Why not -- combinations are just as productive as familiar comparisons
Quote:The only power I have ends at my finger tips.
Often feel much the same way; did some creative stuff when younger but now I find it all a form of work so now I just go harass complete strangers at remote websites