IronLionZion wrote:Faith is a euphemism for delusion. Further, you'd think that if the Christian God was real, and he wanted me to come into the fold, he would have provided me with something better than a history of wonton murder, lies, and institutionalized ignorance for me to base my decision on.
You would think so. I wonder why the Word of God has not been officially updated in almost two millennia? Considering how many aspects of modern life the writers of the Bible failed to foresee:
Men walking on the moon, the ISS, Mars rovers, Hubble telescope.
The United Nations, the discovery and colonization of the western hemisphere, guns, the atomic bomb. (God did make use of chemical and biological warfare, however).
Radio, television, computers, cell phones, photographs, laser printers, CD players, pipe organs.
Automobiles, submarines, balloons, planes, rockets, satellites, bicycles, rollerblades, robots, talking dolls.
Synthetic fiber blends (nor shall there come upon you a garment of cloth made of two kinds of stuff Lev. 19:19)
Women rulers of countries, democracy, cats as pets, amusement parks
Heart transplants, blood transfusions, cloning, AIDS, vaccines
Not to mention problems that God neglected to make rules for:
Domestic abuse. Pornography. Recreational drug use. Abortion. Copying music on the internet. Child custody. Water rights. Nuclear waste disposal. Monopolies such as Microsoft. Land claims of Native Americans (OT solution was to slaughter other tribes and take their land, livestock, and virgins.) Obesity. Smokers' rights. What vitamins to take. Whether or not playing cards is sinful. What to do with surplus in-vitro embryos. Decency in media. Computer viruses.