@reasoning logic,
Yes, it is true that value depends upon meaning, but is not synonymous with it.
We can say that the more meaningful something is, the more valuable it is.
DAVID offered us an Extrinsic definition of value that applies to commodities, but not to human relationships, such as unconditional love. I shall offer a definition that sounds technical, until you get used to it, and comprehend it. I won't go into the advanced philosophical analysis behind it, unless upon request, to speak in terms of primary vs. secondary properties,; nor of "value quantifiers" in analogy with logical quantifiers. I'll try to be clearer than that. Here goes:
To judge J, at time t, something is
valuable if its properties are perceived as matching the property-names that comprise the meaning of the thing-being-evaluated. We learn meanings associated with specific words or concepts when we first learn the language, our native tongue. For purposes of logical analysis, the meaning is here seen as a set. ...a set of predicates (property names.) If this set matches {even partially} the properties in the item (or person) being judged, prized, valued, assessed, then the judge (the one doing the evaluating) will tend to describe the item as "valuable" or as "having some value."
To put it in plain simple everyday language, when the actual matches the ideal, there is value.
[ The actual never has to touch the ideal, just correspond to it, in the mind of the valuer. Value is a matter of degree: to the extent x
matches the picture you have for x’s in your mind, you will tend to call it: a good x. ]
If it has everything (it is supposed to have in the picture of the ideal concept of things of that kind) then the valuer is likely to call the item "good" or "a good one." So, goodness is: being all there - under its concept. Exemplifying fully its concept makes something "good."
I trust this has been helpful and is responsive to YamMit's concern and that of everyone else who had an inquiry about this topic.
To learn more about my approach to Ethics, see these papers which you can either search for on Google, or simply click on the links here and enjoy reading the selections free of charge. These are all PDF files, safe to open:
LIVING THE GOOD LIFE by Marvin C. Katz & Wade Harvey
Ethical Adventures -
Ethical Explorations -
Aspects of Ethics: Views through a new lens.