Thu 17 May, 2012 11:13 am
All things being equal: taste, texture, and price: Would you choose and eat fake chicken over real chicken meat?
Betting Better Fake Chicken Meat Will Be As Good As The Real Thing
No. Like we need more processed anything in our diet...
Well the chickens beg to differ on that one with you.
Why would someone eat something that looked and tasted like something they usually would refuse to eat?
If I was a vegan, I would never eat any that looked or tasted like non-vegan food.
If I were Jewish or Muslim, I would never eat anything that looked and tasted like pork.
And I, as a meat eater, out of my own principles never eat anything that is fake anything else; I don't even buy Turkey Ham or (gack) Chicken Sausage.
Quote:It also requires a fraction of the water, grains and land needed to raise chickens.
I imagine there's also less chance of food-born illness.
I'd definitely use it. I wonder how it holds up in a school lunch box?
I would not object to trying some, but I would never quit eating chicken.
Probably not. I'm finding I eat any kind of meat less and less, though. I really, really hate that fake crabmeat stuff.
If it really tasted like chicken, and it was better for me in some way (in general, chicken is pretty good for you, so it might be hard to beat at the nutritional level), then sure, I would eat it.
But I don't believe them when they say it tastes as good as chicken.
I drink soy milk sometimes and it tastes good in its own way, but even though there are similarities... it doesn't come close to the flavor of whole milk. I suspect that fake chicken will be the same.
No, I would not. I hate all soy products that I've tasted. Yves' products in particular taste nothing like they're supposed to be emulating. And the texture is so springy. So no thanks! If, however, I was served it and didn't know and liked the taste, I'd say thumbs up, but I still wouldn't buy it. I like chicken.
Quote: Milstead's bucket contains a dry mix of soy and pea powder, carrot fiber and gluten-free flour. Through a process the company licensed exclusively from the University of Missouri, the mix is cooked, cooled and extruded through a customized machine.
MMMMM mmmmmmmmmmmm.
Thats a Sunday dinner worth waiting all week to grace our plates. Whaddya call it? Chicklon? Sodium Chickonate?
This is a hot topic amongst my vegan circle. The Gardien patty does not call itself a "fake chicken" patty, but it's resemblance, taste, and texture is uncanny.
A personal anecdote:
I ordered the "Vegan BBQ sandwich" at Founding Farmers, a popular organic restaurant here in DC. I took the first bite, panicked, and spit it out on to my plate. I thought they had accidentally brought be their "Chicken BBQ sandwich," by accident. It's not uncommon for this kind of error to occur. After speaking to the server, I was reassured, that this was in fact a veggie product, and I ate it. The people at the table (omnivores) said "That means it's pretty good!" I don't think they understood my panic, and that my objective with products like these is NOT to recreate the animal, but to replace it.
Typically, I like these types of products, but I don't view them as "fake meats" as much as meat alternatives. I enjoy them for their texture and flavor. In fact, the products I like the most are the ones that don't even attempt to taste like meat. There are super delicious field roasts that simply enjoy making something all together new, as opposed to trying to copy meat.
I want real meat, real chicken . . . i like it extra rare . . . 'course, it's hard to get the sucker into the oven when she's tryin' to fly away . . .
@failures art,
Quote: I don't view them as "fake meats" as much as meat alternatives.
And youve been giving Frnk Apisa **** for his considered position opn religion that is, as you stated, clearly based on semantic twists>
So now heres you with "meat alternative" as opposed tofake meat".
See how we all can easily convince ourselves of tenuous debate positions?
@failures art,
Yeah, if I were exclusively vegetarian (which I'm not, but have been circumstantially in the past), I much prefer just vegetable-based meals rather than any substitute. A substitute will be sub-par by definition.
I'm not currently vegetarian but I like MorningStar Farms Tomato and Basil Pizza veggie burger just on its own merits. It doesn't taste much like a hamburger but it tastes good, and I'm not comparing it to a hamburger, which I have if I'm in the mood for one. (I always have a box or two of the veggie burgers in the freezer for days when sozlet or I just need a quick lunch or dinner and I don't have anything suitable for entree/ protein -- yummy on a toasted bun with avocado + ketchup.)
Separately, soy worries me, and I try to eat it (and its byproducts) sparingly.
sozobe wrote:Separately, soy worries me, and I try to eat it (and its byproducts) sparingly.
yup. that's a big deal for me.
I consider tofu a real treat. I love so many dishes that have tofu, but try to limit it in my diet to less than once a month (another big thing to label-read for

Thanks to the world lust for soy products, the Illinois River is dead and thousands of square miles of the Brazilian rain forest have been cut down. I don't blame vegetarians for that, but i will note that many of them ignore or are ignorant of the effect of large-scale, commercial agriculture in the production of soy products.
Tofu sucks.
they should eat it roots n all. The vegans are insistant that meatatarians eat the entire animule. SO I wanna see em ingest a leguminous paste.
ANy fake meat to date has been a total disappointment to my tastes. I tried thos soy patties like an erzats hamburger and they taste just like over-processed plant material with salt and other foodstuffs made by Dupont or DOW.
Exactly! And ditto what was said by Soz, I think, about not eating soy products - see what I mean about first they say it's good for you, then they say it's bad? That's why I don't listen to anyone - I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'll eat tofu in Chinese food, but that's it. I don't care for the texture. I always wondered how those Tofurkeys tasted.
Money's Mushroom makes fantastic Garden Burgers... mainly brown rice and mushrooms. Unfortunately they don't sell them in supermarkets here anymore but you can still get them in some restaurants. I was craving one one day and had to find a recipe online. It was delicious.
Indiqan food is mostly vegetarian with a few meat dishes and meat used as flavoring. I like the way that Indian Food tqastes because it is varied and spicey.
Thats about as close to veggie as I like. The curried chunks of giant chicken leg as a side dish is vey tasty and you sop em up with your nanny bread.