I made a fifty foot cargo pants idol on a hill, but they thought I was a Brit flipping them off, so they machine-gunned me instead.
I hid in one of the cargo pockets.
I just wanted to comment that i have been very disappointed in this thread. It might have been worthwhile if there had been a useful discussion on the "how-to" of constructing aircraft totems, preferred methods of luring the cargo gods from the sky, etc.--but nothing, just chin music. I for one, feel very let down.
UPS doesn't do COD hence the decline of Cargo Cults. (PayPal many offer an alternative)
roverroad wrote: The atheists would stay out of that forum but the Christians would still bombard the atheist forum.
Because it's basically our only avenue. Atheist/agnostics don't knock on peoples' doors at all ours of the day and night to tell them that they won't be going to hell.
True, cargo cults are declining in Polynesia, but I belong to the Reformed Cargo Cult of North America (Missouri Synod). We learned fairly quickly that building airplane totems out of palm fronds and coconut husks was a time-consuming and inefficient way to attract the great iron warbirds to our villages. That just wasn't working. Now we get most of our cargo through catalogs, so while we await the arrival of the Supreme Aviator we can enjoy fine products from Pottery Barn and J. Crew delivered right to our huts.
What is odd is the increasing ingratitude of the cargo cultists. Some are so dissatisfied with what the bird provides that they put it back outside their houses so the bird can take it back. Naturally, they remain safely inside their houses while this goes on, rather than to face the wrath of the bird's brown-clad priests themselves.
Ahhhh, cargo catalogs . . .
My understanding is that a company in Finland is developing a Cargo Cream Cheese and a Cargo Cheddar. It has been alleged that these products are the perfect complement for a frosty evening.
Wilso wrote:roverroad wrote: The atheists would stay out of that forum but the Christians would still bombard the atheist forum.
Because it's basically our only avenue. Atheist/agnostics don't knock on peoples' doors at all ours of the day and night to tell them that they won't be going to hell.
That's very funny! Perhaps we ought?
What would we be? "The people who never saw Jehovah no matter how hard they looked"?
The "Mornones"?
I can't help it. God saw fit in his infinite wisdom to make me an atheist.
roverroad wrote:Why not?
It's because this site has a lot of intelligent people.
The more intelligent the individual, the more likely he/she will believe in God.
The more intelligent the individual, the more likely he/she will be to think exactly like you. Q.E.D.
Miller wrote:roverroad wrote:Why not?
It's because this site has a lot of intelligent people.
The more intelligent the individual, the more likely he/she will believe in God.

And just where does this particular little bit of wisdom come from???
Terry wrote:I can counter some of the lies and misconceptions that are the basis of Christianity and other theistic religions.
That's a pretty bold statement to make. I'd like to see you explain how lies and misconceptions are the basis of these religions.
PDiddie wrote:It seems to me that the atheists and agnostics only occasion this forum and that the Godniks and Jesuszoids are the ones frequenting it.
I have also noticed that Muslims are rarely visit and Buddhists are seemingly non-existent.
Why is that, I wonder...
Maybe there are only one or two Muslims and no Buddhist members at able2know. That seems the obvious answer to me.
Wilso wrote:roverroad wrote: The atheists would stay out of that forum but the Christians would still bombard the atheist forum.
Because it's basically our only avenue. Atheist/agnostics don't knock on peoples' doors at all ours of the day and night to tell them that they won't be going to hell.
Don't you think that's a blanket statement to make about Christians?
There have been a couple of very informative discussions on
buddhism, but they might have been in the philosophy forum, can't remember.
Maybe the Muslims and the Buddhists see no need to argue for their faith....or convert others? just guessing...:-))
Miller wrote:The more intelligent the individual, the more likely he/she will believe in God.

Did you just make that up? According to a Harris poll, the higher the education level, the less likely people are to believe in God. 92% of those with high school or less but only 85% of those with post grad education believe in God.
Religious beliefs of Americans 2003 poll