Wow, that's like the most meaningful thing I've received from anyone about my art. To answer your first question, I'm really into abstract subjects because I can't seem to, say, draw a face (because it'll turn out into a really bad picasso-shape).
And also, sorry I might sound too ametuerish but I can't understand some 'art jargon'... I realise what abstraction is, but I am naturally a very cautious person, and always frown at my (and only mine) imperfection.
And honestly, I stick with pencils because I feel more confident with it since I can erase my mistakes... I don't know if that is even necessary. But now, I prefer to not have an eraser around and when I make mistakes I just sorta make shades over it and twist it or something. So that it'll cover it, or unmistake it or something... But I really love some water based media. I really really love those. I use to play with those water colours and make all sorts of shapes on a big piece of paper, with black and red colours and then feel so proud of it.

Boy, those memories...
I try to work with larger sheets of papers, but when I do, it always seem to be too... rough, and unfine... When it's small, it looks more discreet, more 'full' and unplain. I really don't know how to do a larger scale work without it looking really really empty. Maybe some suggestions?
I really really love charcoal too! But I don't know if there is any special type of charcoal needed to use for arts? Or do I just use any other charcoal, like those used for barbeque?
I really love experimenting with new stuff, new techniques etc. But like I say, I'm cautious cus I don't want to upset myself... Ah well, I even try to make little mistakes just so I can think of how to handle it, maybe fixing it. I think I'm doing well with it. It just sucks to see something pretty *cough* suddenly turn ugly just because of the wrong stroke of the pencil... Well I'm new, I can't help it hehe... Maybe I'll be more easy about it once I have more exposure towards it.
Hey thank you for helping. I really appreciate it! And I still need some more help, I guess. Thanks again! I have another I'm planning to put up. Maybe you'll want to say something about those too. It's pretty much the same technique though.