Reply Thu 31 Aug, 2006 03:54 am

Police investigate mass seal shooting:

made me feel quite ill & disgusted.
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Reply Thu 31 Aug, 2006 06:39 am
I'm sure I would react the same, msolga (which is why I'm not going to read it, grrrrr).
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Reply Thu 31 Aug, 2006 05:25 pm
Wise move, JPB! Sad
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Reply Thu 31 Aug, 2006 06:02 pm
Today I decided it's a refrigerator bearing going out. This noise has been going on a few days now. When I first heard it, I thought, oh, f/k, bearing.

Then I thought it might be something side by side atop the fridge rubbing together. Moved two juice bottles. It stopped.

Back again the next day. The bottles weren't touching.

Heart sinks (fridge is only, oh, 6.5 years old).

Let the dog out.
Noise stops.

I remember having a bearing go out before, it took two years or so for it to get fully annoying. In this case, I've just paid to have the thing moved here by truck.. grrrrrrrrr. Plus, my money is spare.

So then in the evening I still hear it a bit in the kitchen but go to the living room to turn on the light and it's louder in there. Much louder. Maybe it's a cricket or somesuch... but it sounds mechanical, at least slightly.

Next morning, yesterday, the noise is back in the kitchen, but over by the cabinet by the back door. And not coming from the refrigerator.

A cricket behind the cabinet? I avoid moving the cabinet, put it off.

Couple of hours later, slight whirry noises seem to be coming from the fridge.

I've skipped a few places. Once I was sure it was directly behind the refrigerator, and once I established that it was from the fluorescent light over the sink, which I ascertained by shutting it off.

Anyway, today I'm sure it's from the fridge.

I think.

This is complicated by my hardofhearingness. I always have highpitched noise accessing my brain. Still, at least once it was much louder in the living room, by, say, a multiple of four, and at least once it was surely from the other side of the kitchen.


Time will tell, of course. I'll either have a dead bug, or a dead fridge.
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Reply Thu 31 Aug, 2006 06:13 pm
But you just got your fridge back, osso! About 5 minutes ago!
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Reply Thu 31 Aug, 2006 08:56 pm
msolga wrote:

Police investigate mass seal shooting:

made me feel quite ill & disgusted.

The whole thing is incomprehensible - and they were released without charge, I saw on the news this morning!

Weird bastards!
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Reply Thu 31 Aug, 2006 08:59 pm
Shocking isn't it, margo? Ugh!
Apparently there's a connection to fishermen & the fishing industry. The seals eat the fish, you see.
If this gets to court the shooters are not going to have a good time of it, that's for certain! Evil or Very Mad
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Stray Cat
Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 05:35 pm
They closed our office around 3:00 pm today for the Labor Day weekend. But I had so much work to do, I had to stay late!!

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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2006 06:07 pm
JPB wrote:
I'm sure I would react the same, msolga (which is why I'm not going to read it, grrrrr).

Ditto! Too sad right now.....
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Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2006 03:10 am
Another wise move!
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Reply Wed 6 Sep, 2006 07:01 pm
Renegotiating pay these last couple days because I have gone down to part time for my sister's family and am working part time in an elem. school. Basically, I think I am a good deal for my sister and she thinks she's been doing me favors. Years ago, we spoke with the other mom (of the child I cared for until my sister's second child was born) and decided I should be paid 15/hour given my experience and the going range of pay around here. I pay my own health care, I use my own car, I have butt-loads of experience..... She (and therefor I) have a few weeks off every year, she pays for my 'nanny cell', and she pays for a monthly chiro visit. We both want to keep things amiable, obviously, but we both want what we want. So, it's never easy. We agreed that she would make up the difference in my pay from the school (which isn't much). If she does that, the way I calculate it, I will be making less than 15/hour and she will be paying out 100 bucks more per month (the cost of preschool and my pay added together). I don't use reasons from my own life for why she should pay me more (like higher health insurance, higher car insurance from my longer commute, higher cost of living, etc), but I hear all the details of why she can't afford to pay me (pre-school costs, mortgage, etc). I tend to feel like they are where they are because they made conscious choices (bought a house out of their price range, have the boy in a private preschool....) and that I am where I am because I have non (or at worst, I didn't make enough conscious choices). I let stuff, I feel, slide because they are accomodating with my schedule (which has been trying lately).

So, that's the back ground. Last night I forgot to shoot my cat on schedule (it's shifting earlier because of my new schedule) and she agreed to come shoot my cat on her way into work (she works a block from where I live). I called to ask her an unrelated question at noon and she told me she had forgotten to shoot the cat. She'd do it after her chiro. appointment.... ok ok... That one was my own fault in its origin. Shortly after that phone call she got one from her son's preschool. Turns out that the first day was an early release day, they never looked at the schedule and didn't realize it was. Her hubby drove out to get the poor kid and drop him at the house where I and their daughter were headed with lunch.

The boy was fine, he hadn't really even seemed to have noticed. He's too young, I think, to be traumatized by this. My sister was very upset about the day, she actually was crying on the phone with me. I told their daughter to be extra nice to her momma that evening and let her spend extra cuddle time with her little brother. She really understood what I was saying and we went on with our day.

Then my sister got home. Obviously still stressed out. She said in a way it was my fault that they didn't know the schedule because they'd been so focused on my stuff that they didn't focus enough on their kids' stuff. I looked up, pointed out that the boy's schedule was right there in plain view on the corkboard not 2 feet from where she sat at the moment and left. I was livid. I'd been away from home for nearly 12 hours when I got home, I worked for 10 straight hours without any breaks and then I got a nice swift kick in the ass. Lovely.
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Reply Wed 6 Sep, 2006 07:05 pm
Oooh. Every now and then I'd like to deliver a swift kick to your sister's ass...
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Reply Wed 6 Sep, 2006 07:11 pm
Thanks..... I felt sort of self-indulgent while posting this, but I need a reality check.
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Reply Wed 6 Sep, 2006 07:12 pm
Meanwhile what's make me G&G is this horribly mundane, minor, but implacable cough that I've had for more than a month now.

What keeps happening is that meds (asthma medicine) + will ("I refuse to cough... I won't... I won't...") get it under control for a bit. So I'm sitting there reading a book and drinking hot tea and I'm not coughing and I'm like, great, I'm all better, fabulous! Then I try to DO any normal life things -- shop, cook dinner, gardening -- and whammo.

So if I'm "fine" if I'm sitting like a lump and can't read to my daughter because it brings on a coughing jag, am I actually fine?

Not so much.

It's stupid and mundane, though, I think it's just a perfect storm thing (various aspects came together in a certain way) and the residual part is that my throat is so irritated that I cough which irritates my throat so I cough and on and on.

Going to the doc (3rd time) tomorrow.

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Reply Wed 6 Sep, 2006 07:18 pm
Are you taking a cough suppressant? I think that at some point, you are perpetually maintaining an inflamed lung, so to speak. Coughing not only clears phlem, but also makes your body produce it. I was told by a doc to take a C.S. to help me cough less in order to allow the inflamation to recede.
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Tai Chi
Reply Wed 6 Sep, 2006 07:22 pm
You talk about asthma meds sozobe -- are you using an inhaler? I don't have asthma but had to get one when I had a cough like you're describing. It was a chronic wheezy cough for no reason. I used the inhaler to relax the airways and eventually it went away.
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Reply Wed 6 Sep, 2006 07:25 pm
That makes sense. I'm following doctor's orders so far, will bring it up tomorrow. I had bronchitis and took antibiotics and a VERY strong suppressant that worked OK -- then doc diagnosed temporary asthma after that and I've been taking asthma medication (Advair, Albuterol) which helped a ton at the beginning but doesn't seem to be doing as much now.

I took an OTC cough suppressant last week that didn't seem to accomplish much, but just that one time.

What you say totally makes sense with what's going on, I hope that asthma meds + a strong suppressant would finally put me over the edge.
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Reply Wed 6 Sep, 2006 07:40 pm
I have asthma every so often. More back in north north than here.... so far. But in either place, I get what seems to be an upper respiratory tract infection (who knows, it might be I'm allergic to Mulberry...), and follow that up with a cough and clear phlegm for quite a while, excuse me, hawk...

At it's most troublesome, I can't sleep for the hawk-city, and get up and use the inhaler.

Now, I had this back in what must've been the early eighties and went to my then internist who was an endochrinologist, and she prescribed some predisone tablets... very low dosage ones. They worked right away, shut the cycle down.... it is an allergic type cycle to inflammation in the lung.

I've never talked anyone into prescibing those for me since.

My latest thing, keeping it for next spring, is Robutussin Honey Cough Syrup. That seemed to work after a few days, in just shutting the cyclical thing down.
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Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 12:06 am
sozobe wrote:
Oooh. Every now and then I'd like to deliver a swift kick to your sister's ass...

Well, yes, I wouldn't mind doing the same, k!

Ever considered divorcing your sister? Twisted Evil
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Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 01:41 am
Goodness, 'k and Soz!

Kicks and a hot honey and lemon for you.
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