Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 06:57 am
Obviously, and sadly, your town is not so safe.
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Region Philbis
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 07:40 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Soak it in hydrogen peroxide, dry, then put antibacterial ointment on and bandage it up, taking the bandage off at night.


thanx, Tico.

we didn't have any h.p., so i settled for salt + H2o.

seems to have helped, as this morning the infection oozed right on outta there Mr. Green
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 07:58 am
Terrible, Clary..

Good about the salt water, Regis..
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 03:59 pm

Am sitting on a terrace by a beautiful Budapest square. Two women - one about 25, the other older, are sitting at the next table. They're Dutch. Talking about the Wall in Berlin - the girl had read something about it, the woman had been to Checkpoint Charlie. "Just imagine", the woman says, "just out of nowhere suddenly a wall right through the city, you live here and I there, and a wall." The conclusion about the phenomenon is clear: "Dat slaat toch ook helemaal nergens op". Then the girl realises something, and adds, yeah, and I mean, where did the Wall end then? Woman mutters something back. "But then they could just have gone around it, no? See, doesnt make any sense" All in this lazy, indignant tone.

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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 04:50 pm
That's shocking, Clary. Awful.

And how might you be, my dear?
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 03:59 pm
Today was one of those days. The kind we all have but they stink anyway. It started at 4:30 am with a lightning display reminiscent of the 4th of July. By 5:00 am the power was out, the entire household was awake, and we were tripping over each other in the dark trying to find flashlights.

We have a private well. No power means no water for showers or other, er, necessities. We all brushed teeth from water in a cup and I sent both girls to school on the early bus so they could get breakfast there. No morning coffee makes J_B and Mr B quite crabby so we tried to go back to sleep (fahgetaboutit - too much thunder).

Mr B eventually left for work. My work is here at the house using computers and the internet. No work today. I couldn't leave the house because, although I can disconnect the garage doors from their electric openers, I can't reconnect them and the house is left wide open. I sat, read, sat some more, read some more, ate a meal-replacement bar for lunch, sat and read, and waited. After 10 hours, our power came back on - just in time for me to make it to my haircut appt. I had almost 6 inches of hair cut off and I hate my hair short. I was sick of it and it will grow back, but I hate it.

Today sucked!
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 05:20 pm
That does suck, JPB! (Trying to get used to the new name...)

E.G. had a meeting in Chicago today and sat on the runway (here) for three hours because of the weather there. (Flight back was fine though.)
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 06:52 pm
Sorry to hear about E.G.'s travels, Soz. Getting in and out of Chicago this morning would have been a joke.

My day got worse. I went to the basement tonight to feed the cats. I discovered that the backup system on my sump pump had failed and there's water and black sludge everywhere. That, and the laundry I washed last night and was planning on drying this morning was a glob of sour smelling rags sitting in the washing machine.

Tomorrow can't come soon enough!
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 07:41 pm
Oh no!
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 07:56 pm
JPB (so hard to not write PBJ), what a terrible day! At least the clothes in the washer didn't get backed up sewage saturating them. Yep. It's happened. At my OLD place.
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2006 08:38 pm
My day wasn't so great, either. I hafta wear a heart monitor for 24 hours. For the last couple of weeks, my heart has been racing out of control a couple of times a day for no apparent reason. Doctor calls it "tachycardia," says beta blockers will fix it easily. But the results from the monitor will help them determine the level of medication I need. Yuk. Another pill. And all these wires are making me itchy.
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Dorothy Parker
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 05:32 am
poor you Eva.

That happened to a friend of mine last year but that was after she had an operation to remove something from her thyroid gland.

Hope your better soon.

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Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 06:59 am
littlek wrote:
JPB (so hard to not write PBJ), what a terrible day! At least the clothes in the washer didn't get backed up sewage saturating them. Yep. It's happened. At my OLD place.

ew... that would have probably put me over the edge.
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Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 07:00 am
Eva wrote:
My day wasn't so great, either. I hafta wear a heart monitor for 24 hours. For the last couple of weeks, my heart has been racing out of control a couple of times a day for no apparent reason. Doctor calls it "tachycardia," says beta blockers will fix it easily. But the results from the monitor will help them determine the level of medication I need. Yuk. Another pill. And all these wires are making me itchy.

Sorry to hear that, Eva. I hope the beta blockers work out for you.
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Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 08:48 am
Me too.
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Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 08:51 am
That's alarming, Eva. Glad that it sounds like it's easily remedied.
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Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 05:48 pm
Eva, I hope that you're done with the heart monitor now and that the meds can correct the problem with no further symptoms. Please keep us posted.
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Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 06:39 pm
I'm sorry to hear this Eva. The very best of luck with the treatment.
And take extra-good care of yourself, hear? Very Happy
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Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 07:09 pm
Eva, that is annoying (and likely frightening) - my dad had to wear one of those for a while during his angina or recovery from it.
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Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 08:25 am
Ah well, just one of those things. I'm just relieved to know it's something that can be controlled easily.
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