Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 08:28 pm
A got back in touch, which made me happy - she wrote an honest email about how she was, why she hadnt been able to communicate with me, which meant a lot to me. We'll be writing, I think, which means a lot to me too.

In between other important stuff, tho, was also the detail that she had a new boyfriend.

Good for her, of course - definitely cant blame her. No doubt. And she needs someone. Nothing for me to say - me, least of all. But still... you know how it is... you know, I still feel amputated, every day, without her (yes, all my own responsibility & choice) ... so... well, you know how it is. <nods>


On what in comparison is a teeny minor note, but thematically related (as in, other people's happinesses that I'm happy about but that kinda got to me too), I called my Hungarian friend 'Susannah', with whom I'm only in extensive (as in, <-> intensive) contact recently. She was very kind, that made me smile. She also told me she was going to Holland for a week on Tuesday. She was really happy, thats cool, she's going with her new bf.

Backstory here is, though, that I'd invited her to Holland last Xmas (she has no family), and when she agreed I was about as happy as I'd been in half a year - my Hungarian friend! would come on a holiday with me, for Xmas no less! That was like: having a best friend. But she got cold feet and cancelled at the last mo, after tickets already booked.

Anyway, now she's going after all..


My family is coming this week! On Thursday.. I'm so looking forward to seeing my little nephew again. Sister too. I'm happy about that.

Of course, I wish I was feeling like, I dunno, all of last month, now that they're coming, rather than the way I am right now. And, considering my state, what I'm really dreading is also spending a week with my father, who's coming along too, separately, and unfortunately only partly overlapping. He's a good guy, really - but I cant handle him, less so right now.

Last time I mollified things by mixing friends in, friends always like him cos he tells great stories, and their presence brings in relaxation. But both Susannah and Esther, then, are gone right when my family is here - Esther's leaving Wed (and will be gone for four weeks or something. She's going with her bf to Ireland).

(The whole thing with everyone trekking off with their boyfriend is also kinda confronting, though envy, I know, is a sin.)


Half full, half empty glasses ...

All in all though, it will be clear, this has not been my weekend.

And France lost...
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Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2006 08:29 pm
Oh great, top of the page <sighs>
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 12:14 pm
Understandable G&G's there, nimh.

We need to have our water meter replaced (say the water people). So we have to wait around until they show up. Window is noon to five. It's now 2:15, no sign (and they'll be here for about an hour when they DO show up). HATE being trapped. Bleh.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 02:53 pm
the water person just got here.

up to an hour of work.

been stuck here since noon.

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Reply Fri 14 Jul, 2006 05:25 pm
had an accident with the company van last night, no injuries to me and no visible injuries to the other folks, but the van is a write off

i had a stop, and i did, i waited until a truck with no lights on (at dusk) passed by and then proceeded through the intersection, almost on the other side when a small sv, also with no lights on, side swiped me, still not sure how i missed seeing him but i did
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Reply Sun 16 Jul, 2006 02:54 am
That is a real bummer, dj, I sympathise. Other drivers! Who needs 'em? Nothing is making me g and g today, yet, except the war in Lebanon. I nearly went there last year, thought I didn't really have time as I wanted to see more of Turkey, but now it's out of bounds again Sad And terrible for the people who had rallied since the last war.
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Reply Sun 16 Jul, 2006 11:45 am
I'm sorry, dj..

and Clary, I agree.
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Reply Sun 16 Jul, 2006 01:39 pm
Grocery shopping at Meijer with all of the religious freaks that go there after Sunday service. They push their carts around like they are trying to feel from Satan.
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Reply Thu 20 Jul, 2006 07:45 am
You know you're old when... you're at the hairdressers, you know, one of those hip, bright, high-celinged places, and they've got house music on, a little too loudly, and it annoys you.
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Reply Sun 23 Jul, 2006 07:52 pm
The place around the corner, which ordinarily serves pretty good food, had something called cold cashew-plum-beetroot soup tonight.

Now I like cashews, I like plums, and although I dont like beetroot, I did just find out it can be pretty refreshing on a hot day. But I couldnt conjure up how the combination would taste.

Now I know.

It tastes vaguely like vomit.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 07:37 pm
Not today, my grimacing & gritting was a couple of days ago: somehow, in the shower, I burst a blood vessel in my eye. (Most likely a bit of exfoliator got in & did the trick.) Ugh, a revolting red eye! Shocked So I had to go to work looking like that. Embarrassed To my surprise my year 9s didn't even mention it ... however Ms Naughty in year 8 informed me that it was scary to behold, "just like in the spooky movies, Miss!" Ms Cool in year 10 asked if I'd been "smoking weed" last night. To my relief no one was nasty about it! Phew. I am mightily impressed with myself, floating through two whole days in this interesting condition, acting as though it meant nought to me! Laughing
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Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 07:51 pm

Congrats, MsOlga. By year do you mean age or level?
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Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 07:58 pm
Thank you, k. I was brave! Laughing

Year levels I meant .... 13, 14 & 15 year olds. The overall restraint was admirable (& rather surprising!), I thought! Surprised
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 08:00 pm
Good kids!
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Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 08:01 pm
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ....
(Not exactly always, k! :wink: )
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 08:02 pm
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Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 08:10 pm
Ha, indeed! They keep me on my toes, I can tell you! :wink:
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Reply Fri 28 Jul, 2006 02:44 am
Seems like teachers usually have something to g and g about every day ... whereas so far I haven't, as a landlady! Recommend change of job, Olgs - although your students do sounds quite reasonable, considering.
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Reply Fri 28 Jul, 2006 08:00 am
Change of job, hmmm, Clary?
Thinking, thinking .....
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Reply Fri 28 Jul, 2006 08:20 am
...saw this thread, had reminder of minor but persistent gritter this morning...

There's a local statute here requiring that all outside doors in multiple residence buildings automatically shut and lock whenever they are opened. A couple of months ago, it apparently came to the attention that our two-flat house is a multiple residence building, so somebody came on and put strong levers on all the doors, so that now you can't leave them open to bring in groceries or laundry or bring the dogs in and out or have doors open and screen doors closed so the dank, fetid basement can air out. Whatever. It's the law. Not a huge deal. If I really want to leave the door open, there's a 40 lb rock on the porch that (just) gets the job done.

Thing is, the house is about 80 years old, and none of the door jambs are square any more, so the doors don't always close so well, especially when it's humid and the wood swells. So the door rams itself against the door jamb (or your hand or foot, if you're not paying attention) -- but doesn't actually close.

So you've got all the inconvenience of an automatically closing door with none of the security.

In fact, it's worse than if there was nothing pulling the door closed, because when people who aren't familiar with the place come and go (and our flat is for rent and the house is for sale, so this happens a lot), they've got to rest the door open and it slams itself shut behind them, so they think the place is locked, and they generally leave the place with at least one outside door open.

...which doesn't worry me, but the whole thing is absolutely f*cking absurd. The place was perfectly functional before -- only four residents in two flats in the place, nobody left the doors open without a reason, and you could come and go with loads of stuff without mechanical interference. Now the doors are a complete pain in the ass to operate (especially with the screen doors also trying to swing shut on you), and the place is considerably less secure than it was before.

F*cking bureaucratic a$$holes and sh!tty landlords...
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