last but one smear test, I'm told
luckily the nurse is a) a friend and b) very quick and experienced
so it was RELATIVELY painless
and over much quicker than a cold, poor Dagma!
well keep warm Dag. Turn up the background heating....oh you did that
Clary are you advertising Nurofen? Dag could do with some.
yes, i could. biking and boxing and then a night out with some crazy Poles will cure my cold.... right?
ok, you don't have to tell me. I DO know that is insane, and I promise to give up on any of those activities and retire home if I feel like I'm pushing it. (hmm, could that be right now?)
I thought that was a girly sport
Dag - go find a netti pot and start flushing that nose! Hope you're feeling better pronto.
I've been a member at my gym for at least 5 years. Now I have to cancel my membership and go elsewhere.
The dumbass that runs the gym decided to pull all of the dumbells over 80lbs. I've asked three people that work there, and they have no idea why.
hmm something is wrong here right now
a2k --oops my bad with history
on the dumbbells/dumbells, whatever they are, I'm thinking liability insurance..
I'd guess it's either something to do with someone cracking their face open, or they're trying to change their image to more of a "fitness" place, which wouldn't make sense since they don't have any extra amenities above weights & cardio.
Either way it's pretty lame. Every other gym I've been in has had dumbbells up to at least 100lbs.
i suffered a rather nasty injury at work on friday, i got my thumb caught between a belt an roller on a production line, much compressin of flesh, removing of nail and all the good stuff asociated with that sort of thing
Ooofff, that's awful, djjd.
dj - was it you who belt-sanded his finger not too long ago?
Oh.... I thought maybe dj needed a vaca.
thanks all, i had the dressing changed today and it's pretty gruesome i must say
i don't think i'll post pictures like jp did never know
sorry to hear about the injury djjp
are you going to sue them? Mega bucks? We are all witnesses.