What's G&G ? And what happened to HM#1? Does that affect her work? Even if it doesn't, it must be awfully tough, since she sees the bastid every day.
I'm trapped in bed with flu.
Restless night.
Got woken up at 8.20am by builders next door...
Yelling, drilling, hammering, drilling, yelling, hammering, scraping, banging, yelling, drilling, hammering.
(All this accompanied by blarring Radio)
They've been at it for five days.
The drilling is so intense that it vibrates everything in my house, even the floorboards and even with headphones blarring in my aching ears - I CAN STILL HEAR IT!
I am losing my mind.
Francis wrote:Nothing, life is beautiful!
Is it quiet there, Francis?
Wouldn't be suprised if you could hear the distant hum of my next-door neighbours - right across the Channel!
dagmaraka wrote:What's G&G ?
G&G = grit & grimace. Not nearly as nice as a G&T!
yeah, i prefer g&t myself.
maybe i'll go out and have me some tonight.
endymion, hang in there. maybe you can outblare them?
Get well real soon, endymion
ENDYMION wrote:I'm trapped in bed with flu.
Restless night.
Got woken up at 8.20am by builders next door...
Yelling, drilling, hammering, drilling, yelling, hammering, scraping, banging, yelling, drilling, hammering.
(All this accompanied by blarring Radio)
They've been at it for five days.
The drilling is so intense that it vibrates everything in my house, even the floorboards and even with headphones blarring in my aching ears - I CAN STILL HEAR IT!
I am losing my mind.
You poor thing! I hope all is quiet & peaceful now & you're sleeping soundly. (If not, perhaps the Mellow Thread here might help?

:wink: )
knowing that a colleague/friend is taking her dog in to be put to sleep this morning.
Snickers has been in so much pain.
Dag, it's (the situation with HM#1) a mess. Here's not the place to discuss it any further.....
G%T = gin and tonic? giggle and tickle?
Oh I am so disgusted!
What's with the bait and switch that all of these hotels have going on? I'm trying to book a hotel for NYC and online, they're listed at one price and when you call, it's three hundred dollars more??? Of course, you can't book online. The dates you want are NEVER available.
It's such a scam. grrrr......
The D word. It's been dropped. Like a bomb. On my sis' head. It's happening, it is real, it is raw and hurtful. Divorce. Uggghg. I am devastated for her. So is my mom and the vile husband's mom. In fact i am getting sick today - fever, headache and all. This stress is probably a great contributor towards that.
Aw, shoot. Well, better now than later, maybe, Dasha.
Getting semi-drunk last night(in Orlando... getting back to hotel around 2:30, waking up at 7am to sit in a meeting all day.
I'm a walking sack of useless right now.
I dunno how I am. I signed the papers to sell my house this afternoon. Way late for doing well on the market. I despise every headline about financial troubles and they are all around. I grimace that I am late at this, I grimace because I like the stupid house and will miss it, assuming it sells. If it doesn't, I'll be doing more than gritting teeth. Grrrrr.
Some change is harder than other change.
This has not been the hardest change for me, not to go on and on, but I have been Ms. Sluggish at it. I knew better than to dawdle, so can only blame m'self. (Casts eyes around for someone else to blame, oh, yeah, Bush...)
It's always hard to put your home up for sale.
Oooft, lots of G&G-worthy stuff going on. Hugs to all. Drink lots of hot lemon and honey, Dag.
(Have I ever mentioned that I hate moving? I get over it, but I hate it.)
Yeah. The last one I wailed as I drove away, wailing and semiscreaming until I got to a friend's place, who tried to cheer me up, which was entirely galling. And she is a psychologist. Basically I had just dealt with her and put off my sorrow until I could get out and drive California. I suppose I've mentioned how much I love driving California.
I am less attached to this one, and do want to move, but still...
the real estate person says it's the best craftsman she's ever seen. Probably is.. but I've seen the green and green houses. Still, it's a serious house.
Bunches of stuff for someone to do, not really in move in state except for some dolt like me. So, I'm fairly scared of a low sale, as I need the money to get a very small new place. And yet, it is a kind of jewel, one I couldn't renovate as I wished for various reasons.
I took photos of my last place when I left, tears streaming down my face as I took them, and I'll probably do the same here. Or I should say I hope to. This time perhaps without tears.
I've had copious tears each time. And of course that goes both ways -- every time I've cried over one house, it's been to move to another that I grew to love in turn and cried over a few years down the line. (GodDAMN I'm looking forward to staying in one place a good long while... knock on wood...)
Craftsman is still highly valued. I can't imagine that you'd get too little for it.
Post pictures here, maybe? I have some mental images, and have seen some pictures (the cool bed that folds up into the wall, I think), but would love to see more. I absolutely love the style, in general. We looked at several here but they were way too expensive (bad for us, good for you, I hope...)