Well, the price is right for the comps, low for it's potential over time re anything else, and I suppose I will be argued down for the disclosures, which I am too f'ing honest about. Why can't I shut up?? And I need every cent, being a woman of certain age with no pension and no immediate income, with hopes of a short vacation before I try to earn money again.
Time is money and I picked a bad week for time being money, and know it.
Whatever, I am a fatalist. But I don't like my own behavior to cause stuff to be fatalistic about. On the other hand, I have my own ways to deal and hurling out all my worldly goods wasn't on my docket these last weeks. On the other hand, maybe it should have been.
So, we'll see.
As a good friend of mine once said, Osso...
You can either get what your house is worth...or you can sell your house.
Too true, I'm afraid.
Still, I'm happy that you're one step closer to Albuquerque. There are some folks there who are anxious for you to come.
Hi, Eva. Yeah, but that was what I thought when I accepted the number. I so don't need to see it diminish. Think market increase, or if you don't want to do that, think market stability...
In the meantime, yesterday I was visited by a mouse...
just what I need when the realestaters troup through..
ossobuco wrote:I dunno how I am. I signed the papers to sell my house this afternoon. Way late for doing well on the market. I despise every headline about financial troubles and they are all around. I grimace that I am late at this, I grimace because I like the stupid house and will miss it, assuming it sells. If it doesn't, I'll be doing more than gritting teeth. Grrrrr.
Aw, osso! Been there/done that ... & yes, it can be very painful.
A big hug from me to you. <big, body crunching hug

Trust me, it passes ... life goes on & you put down new roots. "Home" is some other place before you know it!
In the meantime, I hope you make a real killing on the sale!
msolga wrote:Trust me, it passes ... life goes on & you put down new roots. "Home" is some other place before you know it!
Thats true. I was apprehensive enough about moving here, but half a year on, it feels like home in a self-evident, comfortable way. Every other day I mutter, "I am
never going back". And thats re: moving to a place where I dont even properly speak the language!
ossobuco wrote:In the meantime, yesterday I was visited by a mouse...
just what I need when the realestaters troup through..
That's the new owner's mouse, Osso.
Actually (not intended as a kind of counterpoint to the above), what makes me G&G today is that, well, my procrastinating becomes worse the more some deadline looms or I'm feeling a little alone.
Well, two deadlines are approaching that pose what seems insurmountable mountains, and I'm feeling alone this week (its a cyclical thing).
Which is why one'd have to practically drag me screaming from this board yesterday and today. Which in turn is annoying as hell.
Oh, and itd be one thing if I could just decamp home and work through the evening in relative comfort and comforting hominess there, but no - I've been paying every month for wireless internet that I never actually used, and now that I want to use it (having a laptop for the week or two), its not working. Of course.
nimh, don't i feel your pain to the last atom. i'm exactly, but exactly the same way. i have a huuuuge deadline (nutin but a silly dissertation) and my sister's looming divorce made me feel lonely as ever. i spent the whole day on this board. an entire friggin day.
got wireless at home 2 weeks ago - stay up until 2-3 am every night. also not working.
dagmaraka wrote:nimh, don't i feel your pain to the last atom. i'm exactly, but exactly the same way. i have a huuuuge deadline (nutin but a silly dissertation) and my sister's looming divorce made me feel lonely as ever. i spent the whole day on this board. an entire friggin day.
Ooh yeah. Did that several times. Feel real guilty about it too.
dagmaraka wrote:got wireless at home 2 weeks ago - stay up until 2-3 am every night. also not working.
No, my
wireless isnt working! LOL
Whether I would, if it were, is another Q altogether - tho probably I would, not having worked enough in the daytime due to procrastination.
Bugger about feeling lonely though, I mean you too (and with better reason). Perhaps we should go on alternate biweekly visits back and forth to secure a comforting hug a week?
There's some kind of mysterious viral outbreak at a nursing home here.
One of my good friends at work got a call at work this morning that her mother died from it over night.
Because of the clampdown on the facility, she hadn't been allowed to go in and spend time with her mother in the last week.
Oh, your poor mother, and poor friend...
ehBeth wrote:There's some kind of mysterious viral outbreak at a nursing home here.

That's indeed very sad. To die without your family by your side.
Beth, that's not the nursing home that's been in the news the last few days, is it?
Reyn, are you talking about St. Rita in New Orleans?
grrrr...my mother's sewing machine and cabinet is close to 50 years old. She kept the cabinet in beautiful condition. I inherited it four years ago, shipped it here and about a month ago, I began using the cabinet as a small bar. Not three weeks later, here my husband has managed to spill drops of liquor on the surface and create a few shotglass rings. I know he didn't do it deliberately but I am really pissed off with him right now. How can a grown man be so careless?
I know there are cures for those rings besides refinishing, or think there are. Don't remember what, though I remember thinking easy...
Reyn, it is that very nursing home that we've had some media attention on.
Being alone. So sad.
Not being able to be with her mother. Very hard on E.
Oh. What nursing home are you all talking about? It's been in the news?
Sounds like it's been in Canadian news (Reyn's Canadian, too).
ehBeth wrote:Reyn, it is that very nursing home that we've had some media attention on.
Thanks, Beth for the story. I had remembered that it was in Ontario.
This sort of story is always so bloody sad. What is it about nursing homes? I realize that many of the elderly residents probably have compromised immune systems. So do I, so I can sympathize, but these things don't happen in isolation. Whatever is going on there surely must have been brought into the building by an "outsider"?