Well after a absence from the other threads I participated in I see I have some replying to do...
msolga wrote:Sounds like a bit of a drama! So, ya gonna tell us the name of this thread? :wink:
I won't mince words - if you haven't found it yet, its the Questions Game.
Clary wrote:I think pragmatic and I may be suffering from the same putdowns on the same thread. I'm amazed I let it get to me, but it did. You know who, olgs. Very negative and critical.
It got to me to0, I felt like throwing a brick through his window (to quote his words to me). You aren't alone, Clary: and yes he is a negative and critical blah blah blah. Good old Francis. I would have joined in too except:
- I wasn't on the net at that crucial time
- I probably would have said a few words that would lead me to be expelled from a2k.
Setanta wrote:Clary, i abandoned altogether one of my favorite threads of those which i had started because of that member. Please don't let it get to you, the evidence i have seen is that said member is a nasty old pub crawler, and you show your greater character by ignoring that member.
I made the mistake of replying to him a few times then I stopped because he was full of crap and i don't argue with people full of crap, quite frankly.
Clary wrote:I can't post anything here because instead of making me grimace and grit my teeth, you lovely people make my heart sing!
The same. You people remind me that there is still hope in this world we will meet kindred spirits, not weirdos.
Clary wrote:Hope poor little pragmatic comes back...
No can do Clary. I'm not having a drunkard call me a "jumper in with rubbish" again. But I hope you have fun there and I'll see you around other posts without people accusing us of grinding things to a halt.
I am not going to that thread again. And its a pity, I did enjoy it so much.