Sitting outdoors this morning on my deck ....drinking coffee and taking in the morning air. Watching the birds and rabbits and squirrels beginning their own day.
When all of a sudden I hear a sharp rusting noise going on. I turn my head and look up in the pine tree. I saw this squirrel engaged in some sort of fight. I thought it was with another squirrel .. untill I saw a bird fall out of the tree.
I hurry over and there was a bird laying on the ground wounded. Then all of a sudden .......another bird falls out of the tree. A baby bird.
The squirrel had gotten into this nest and was killing the little birds, along with the Momma bird. I've never seen a squirrel attack birds in their nest this way.
So I go into the house and get my BB gun and back out onto the deck I go. I crawled up on the picnic table and sat there, while zeroing in on the squirrel. I shot and missed. Shot again.......and I either missed again or he was one tough squirrel.
This squirrel was paying me no mind. He was too busy rootin' around inside this nest, still.
So I stood up on the table and got a better site on the peskly little squirrel and shot again. This time I either scared him or hit him. Not sure which.
But he came haulin ass down out of the tree and by the time he hit ground, my labradors were hot on his trail.
Not sure where he took off at, but he got away.
And I had two dead birds, that he had killed, laying on the ground.
Darn squirrel.