just talked to a couple of customer reps with a major credit card issuer, about the $308.49 finance charge in my latest bill, because i made a late payment after making a big balance transfer. i'm now going to compose a letter to customer service, pointing out that i've done business with them for 10 years, and would probably continue for another 10 years, if they waive that finance charge, but i suspect they want this quick score now, instead of collecting it over time. i knew this would happen, as soon as i realized i'd forgotten a payment, and immediately made a late payment and talked to a customer rep who couldn't do anything until i got this bill, but it's upsetting nonetheless, especially coming from an outfit that's such a stickler for timely payments, but can't even transfer me from one rep to another without making me repeat my home phone number and mother's maiden name for "security purposes."