Waking up this morning just minutes before I was supposed to be at work! Yikes!!
That last 45 minutes of my day when my 30 pound nephew won't let me set him down.
Aw, Brooke. I'm so sorry.
We are all thinking about you!
I grimaced when I walked out my door and it was snowing.
That's you in the middle, Brooke!
Hang in there, Brooke. The dark days get fewer and farther between as we go along. We love you.
Jack Webbs resurrection of the Martin Luther King Jr. thread. Some people just go way out of their way to show how stupid they are.
ooooh, I hadn't seen Brooke's post - We're all here for you and we make a pretty big shoulder to lean on.....
The "What Happened To Frank"thread.
A Nosey Co-worker, who caught me off guard asking personal questions.
Barry Bonds doing his annual spring training press conference.
My husband asking what happened to our earnings last year! He doesn't know the price of a loaf of bread these days and dares to ask such things. grrr........
I STILL can't get Messenger working! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Yay! I fixed it!

(Maybe this should be on the "smile" thread?)
I accidently banged my corn.
jackass drivers bent on scaring the wits out of a pedestrians! Pedestrians run, run...run for your life...even if you were taught NOT to RUN across a street! In this day and age, if you DO NOT run you will be mowed down regardless of whether or not you are in a pedestrian crossing zone or not !