sozobe wrote:Goes back to why people post/ what they are looking for, too though -- honing debate skills, channeling frustrations, bonding with people on their "side", etc., etc. Pure learning is not at the top of the list for most politics* participants, I don't think.
*Taking a stab at where the unpleasant threads you're talking about are located, don't actually know.
Yeah those be the ones. I really get the impression we're just gluttons for punishment sometimes - like people go out of their way to get annoyed and fly all into an indignant rage about it. I do recognize it - I find myself, tired or bored, clicking through the site - hmm, thoughtful thread about Sudan, skip - thread by Gunga about Demokkkrats, click - and even while I'm clicking I know I'll regret it and wonder whence the impulse. But I've been really trying to get away from the threads that both exasperate me and are really of no interest to me whatsoever, when you think about it (seriously - what do I really
care about the church/state separation debate in the US, or about I dunno, gay marriage or the Democrats and blacks) - but its not working, cause at the same time I come here for interaction, of course, and all the interaction is in those inane US politics debates.
I guess thats it - I want to share, but also to interact - and if the stuff I'm really interested in attracts little feedback to and fro, I return to where I instinctively know the action is - even if I know the action to be wholly unproductive and really quite uninteresting. Like between a rock and a hard place (or perhaps, between the arid desert and the furious storm).
Its not actually so much the willingness to learn that I think would constitute the alternative - I dont much feel like actual
learning, either, often enough - but more the gamely, "oh really? what an interesting story, but you know what I heard once, its also the strangest thing: etc" kind of conversation. Is also entertainment, after all. For each anecdote or tidbit to tell there must be a similar or related one to recount, no?
I dunno. Anyway. Had to vent. Wasnt anything in particular - just a couple of times in a row that I eagerly logged in to see what the follow-up to some stuff would be - and there was none - and since I had logged on already, I browsed through the other threads in "your posts" and just went, yuck ...