To paraphrase a great robot: "Sleep? Don't tell me about sleep!"
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Sun 27 Jul, 2008 12:30 pm
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Sun 27 Jul, 2008 01:04 pm
I dunno, might have been just right. Famous people get a lot of push. And, you may run into him again.
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Sun 27 Jul, 2008 01:47 pm
Just talked to my step. Told him about running into his old buddy. He said that he might be able to get a phone number for me.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
I hear what you're saying osso but, you must take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. I just wish I had given him a business card. I have a terrific card. Very fashion-y. I think his wife would have liked it alot.
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Sun 17 Aug, 2008 01:34 am
I just read my superannuation statement.
Now...I understand the vagaries of the stockmarket and all, and I was prepared....
That is truly horrible!
In relation to which my grimace is tiny. My son opened a bottle of wine for him and a friend - wine I'd got from a small vineyard in deeply rural France as a special one-0ff, 4 years old - and after a couple of glasses, they've left it open on the table for me to discover when I come down in the morning.
I'm on a bit of a cooking jag this month, being a bit fed up with beans on toast and the like, and yesterday I decided to make a pie.
I read the recipe, went to the shops, and got started. Everything went well, even though I'd never done anything under pastry before. I had to improvise for the rolling pin, since I discovered we haven't got one. I even decorated my pie top with a pastry flower. I was so pleased and proud of the result.
And then- the proof being in the eating- I had put too much salt in! The recipe had some gammon as well as lamb, and maybe that's what threw me out. I was so disappointed. It was edible, but only just.
We live, and we learn.
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Wed 27 Aug, 2008 02:02 am
But Debs' grimace has put it all in proportion.
Nah....anyone with investments spread round the share market and such has a similar story. I am also in the high risk category, as, if one has time to play with, this generally does better.
Some funds probably did better than mine, but it's swings and roundabouts, and a correction that was going to come.
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Wed 27 Aug, 2008 02:59 am
Watching the water meter dial go round when no water is being used. I HATE LEAKS I CAN'T SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thu 28 Aug, 2008 01:45 am
$360, 000 you lost Deb?
I know few people in this category. Can I have your autograph ... or a small loan, perhaps?
I have jury duty 9/15, with less than three weeks notice. Of course, I'd have felt the same way about it no matter how much notice they gave me. The main aggravation for me is that there's no way to know if it's going to be half a day or two weeks or more.
they have a user-friendly website here, so i put in an electronic request to change the date.
i should hear back early next week...
hopefully i don't get stuck in a two-weeker!
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Fri 5 Sep, 2008 10:05 am
I'd quite like to do jury duty, dammit!
Though I'd doubtless bitch and moan if it happened, because of all the drama of trying to reschedule appointments and all.
I'd be happier to fulfill my civic duty if it seemed that I could actually contribute something. I've done it a few times and have always just sat around until someone sent me home.