OK, so it's been hot. Brutally hot.
Our air conditioner was making weird noises that bothered E.G., and he turned it off pending having it looked at.
A guy came and looked at it, and determined that our blower motor wasn't up to par. Need a new one. Fine.
Took a few days for the new motor to arrive (they had to order it) but it did, they installed it. And we were lucky -- those intervening days were much cooler.
But then it happened again. The same sounds and other symptoms that didn't seem right, and E.G. turned it off again.
Sunday night was then a miserably hot night. We need to have several windows replaced -- way beyond our budget right now -- but most of the upstairs windows are not open-able. Made do with fans.
Monday, guy came to check things out. He thought the problem was just cottonwood cotton mucking up the outside fan/ making the system work harder than usual. He cleaned up the cottonwood cotton. He said that was the only problem he saw.
(These three visits so far -- initial checking-out, installation of new blower motor, and next checking-out, all involved me sitting around stuck at home --
unairconditioned home, on very hot days, for several hours at a time. They usually arrived at the end of a one-hour window and then stayed an hour or so.)
The A/C went back on. The house became a little less sweltering. Cue noises.
This time E.G. dashed out and saw the outdoor fan had seized up. It was supposed to be moving, but wasn't. When this happens, and I'll quote E.G. here, "the fluid can't cool the way it should, and so it comes back too hot and too pressurized (noisy), as I observed."
A/C off. Another bad, hot night (not nearly as bad as Sunday night/ Monday morning, though, which involved sozlet waking up repeatedly and having a hard time going back to sleep. Slept through the night last night.)
E.G. called the guys this morning, explained, and expressed frustration that so many service calls hadn't gotten at the core issue, when he'd described the same symptoms each time. Got an agreement to not have to pay the service fee for the last one and for the guy to come out today.
Another 1-hour window. Another hot day in a hot house. The pool beckons. But no.
The window is 1-2. At 1:40 -- the guy's been delayed, is it OK if he comes between 2 and 2:30? Fine.
2:30 rolls by.
(Sozlet is on knock-alert.)
Email from E.G. at 3:06 PM. The guy was there at 2:30 and "nobody was home" so he left.
The guy said he "pounded" on the front door. Sozlet swears she didn't hear anything. We were in the kitchen, right by the front door. (Purposely.)
I don't know whose fault it is and it doesn't matter, really.
I sure am grimacing and gritting my teeth though.
Especially as the house gets hotter and hotter... (I'm urging on a storm front that may miss us.)
They'll be here tomorrow morning. We have a bunch of failsafe measures in place. (They'll call E.G., who will email me, and I'm putting a sign up directing them to the door with a window in it, and I'm camping in front of said door so they can just show up and wave...)